The Turing Track

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Deep inside a fragmented storage of his ROM, there was a particular memory from many years before. A day before Aperture fell into abandonment and was being reclaimed by nature.

To make any invention of any type or purpose work, it needs to be tested. Often, Wheatley - and only him - would to attached into GLaDOS's chassis in the dogged pursuit of slowing her down.

What the scientists didn't know, was that the two were bonded. In a way that a human could understand - if they simply asked. GLaDOS, unbeknownst to the humans, had taken the responsibility of caring for Wheatley. She was able to hide this from the humans... most of them, anyways.

One day, the humans tried to get Wheatley to grable into GLaDOS's thought stream in slowing her down. They could read these thoughts on a monitor, as if typed by a ghost hand. Whilst they did whatever science needed to be done, because they were distracted, GLaDOS communicated with Wheatley in a pseudo-telepathic way. Trying to look at him through her main camera, she softly greeted, "Wheatley... it's okay."
"I-I'm so frightened," Wheatley timidly replied.
"I know you are," She gently thought, "But you're ok now. You're safe."
"I promise," GLaDOS told him. Her gaze slowly glided from him, to the main door directly in front of her. A few more humans, mostly the scientists in their sterile white lab coats, but along came one human she would genuinely kill.

The dark brown ponytail, paled white skin, navy blue business suit, icy eyes and a frown that could pop beer bottle tops clean off. Sofia Rattman.

Wheatley became frightened the moment she stepped into the room. GLaDOS sensed it, and swivelled herself to keep him away. Sofia immediately noticed this, and pursed her lips slightly.

Fortunately, she turned around and left the scientists to their own devices. She usually wasn't so... generous... in regards to either of them. GLaDOS watched her go, even spending a few milliseconds viewing the appropriate camera to reassure herself that Sofia was leaving. The scientists shrugged to themselves, then turned back to their studies. One of them gazed to GLaDOS, noting down that she had swivelled away when Sofia entered.

Yet GLaDOS ignored them, and only continued to hold herself defensively. She could tell that Wheatley was still afraid. "She's acting up again," A scientist said, gazing to his coworker.
"Should we bind her down?" Another asked, shunting his glasses up the bridge of his bulbous nose.
"What?!" There came a familiar voice. One that actually drew half of GLaDOS's attention. Stepping into the room, was a woman in a lab coat, hers stained with egg yolk and her blonde hair trailing down her back. "That's horrible. I won't let you do that to her."
"Your mother's gone, for goodness sake!" Argued the scientist, "She's a machine now, she doesn't have emotion!"
"The only one here who doesn't have emotion is you," She retorted, "And that b*tch Sofia."
Once she had said that, GLaDOS recognised her, "Sunny?!"
She gazed up, ignoring the bewildered scientists, "Mom...?" Turning to the other scientists, she barked, "Get out of this room! And stop reading her thoughts you perverts!" The scientists traded numerous glances, their expression resentful. However, this faded away in mild fear as they backed away, into the outside area. GLaDOS promptly shut the door on them.
Then, she turned to face her daughter directly, "Sunny... it's been too long."
"I know," Replied she, "And remember? It's Sun Core now."
GLaDOS chuckled, "To me, you'll always be Sunny."
"Ha ha," Sun Core commented. Then, she noticed an anxious Wheatley on the side of GLaDOS's chassis. "Oh... they're doing this again."
"They must stop," GLaDOS warned, "I can't stop myself from doing anything to prevent him from being harmed anymore." Her yellow eye narrowed, "And if that means correcting the mistake known as Sofia, then I will."
"Sunny, if you can't at least stall or weaken her, or get her to leave, then I'll have no other choice."
Sun Core sighed, but changed subject and addressed Wheatley directly, "Hello Wheatley. Has she been looking after you?"
Slowly, Wheatley answered aloud, "Uh, uh, yes..."
"Then... where's Virgil?" She wondered.
"Wolfie? I don't know," GLaDOS told Sun Core, lowering her voice to a faint whisper, "It's happened again. You know that he becomes extremely aggressive. And he could have killed if he wasn't stopped."
"Oh," She sighed yet again. Sun Core waved to Wheatley and GLaDOS, "Well, there's something I've got to do. Goodbye for now." As stepped back, then turned and began to exit.
"Aren't you going to give your mother a hug?" GLaDOS asked her.
Sun Core glanced back, "Mom, just... Just hold onto your sanity, ok? I'm going to put an end to Sofia's abuse."
"And if you must, then make her breathe her final breath," Came the advice of GLaDOS. The Sun Core didn't say anything in response, but waited for the door to reopen and left.

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