The Wolf Ascends A Starry Ladder

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Finally, the elevator reached its destined stop. The floor directly below GLaDOS's lair. It was dark, but for twinkling lights of robotic eyes flickering in the distance, between abandoned walls and broken panels. Their chatter was obeisant and droning. The fact these were more modern Aperture equipment - like that found below - further confirmed that GLADOS was throwing it out for that sickening colourful decor. The one that freaked both Chell and Wheatley out more than anything else they'd seen.

Although this environment wasn't much of a comfort either.

Still, they exited the lift, Wheatley helping Chell walk. She wasn't terribly injured, which was a relief to him, but she struggled to walk properly. He figured that - even though her long fall boots had softened some of the impact - her ankle had been sprained. At least she's alive, He thought, as the two slowly made their away from the elevator.

Suddenly, they heard an ominous creak. They looked back to the elevator, just as it shifted unnaturally - and fell into those dark depths so far below.

Least we made it out in time, Wheatley thought to himself. But for some reason, he didn't vocalise it. To be honest, there was something special - something unique - about not speaking... Something difficult to explain. It just seemed to him, that there was something strangely enabling about staying quiet. As if he could suddenly hear the entire world much more clearly. That, he actually liked.

The duo looked ahead, to the dark corridor - the glaring eyes of discarded technologies glinting between the cracks. There appeared to be a spherical object, not too far away, uneasily resting on a broken panel. From that object, came a pained groan. Chell and Wheatley traded a glance, before slowly making their way over. Because of the fall, Chell was still mildly injured, and the two didn't yet know what they were facing. Wheatley figured that it would probably be a Core, considering that it was spherical and it could produce noise. For even him, it was difficult to see.

But the moment he could clearly render the Core that was there, he recognised who it was: Virgil.

He glanced nervously to Chell. She had noticed his look over to Virgil. Is she able to figure what I'm thinking? Wondered Wheatley, as he panned his gaze back over to Virgil, trying to imply that he wanted to further approach. Considering that they were in a thin corridor, it couldn't be avoided. Although Wheatley didn't want to avoid Virgil anyways. The duo stepped along, slowly reaching the Core in question. His eye was closed. The two stood before him, waiting for him to notice them. Despite wanting to see him again, Wheatley was nervous. How would Virgil respond if he told him that he once tried to take Chell's life?

At that moment, it dawned on him: that Chell was still poisoned from the crushed moon rocks from six years ago.

Would Virgil know about an antidote? Wheatley could only hope.

Slowly, Virgil opened his eye, revealing the orange older Aperture logo; the one from the seventies. He was sluggish, as his near obsolete softwares came online, his renderer activated. The moment he saw his son, Virgil gruffly realised, "Wh-Wheatley... my boy... my son." Chell shot Wheatley a glance - one of mild surprise, and wishing that he had told her earlier. "Where have you been?" He asked. Still wanting to keep quiet, Wheatley didn't reply. "...I see you've met up with her," Virgil tried to strike up conversation, "So... how's that going?" The duo traded an awkward glance. "Well... uh," He changed subject, "Anyways, I guess you two must have really ticked her off. How'd you do that? Unless..."

Suddenly, the glow in Virgil's eye intensified exponentially, until the corridor became bathed in a orange light. He quickly looked between Wheatley and Chell. As he did this, Wheatley recalled everything his father had once warned him about.

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