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Taehyung spends most of his time in bookstores all over the city, but one, in particular, is his favorite. Maybe it's because of the huge collection they have including most of his favorite books or maybe it's because of the cute guy that works there, always standing behind the counter, staring at Taehyung as he leaves the store ever so often without a book. Something about bookstores give him some kind of satisfaction, having him forget about his own life and it's problems while so many stories surround him, it made him feel safe and yet, he was never able to take a piece of it home with him. To simply put it Taehyung is broke. With just enough money to pay for his small dorm close to his university and his needs when it comes to food and art supplies, he never had enough left to buy a book.

Today is one of those days where Taehyung made his way into his favorite bookstore, sat down on the ground and took one of the books from the shelves, reading the first few chapters before putting it back and pouting. The writing of the book itself makes him feel things that he has never felt before, making him wish to be able to write like that one day. With a slight pain in his chest, he gets up and looks at a few other books but his mind is absent, wondering how the book would end. He sighs softly to himself and leaves the store, giving the cute guy behind the counter a quick glance before doing so and the other gives a quick smile back before looking away. Taehyung basically scolds himself after doing so. dumb, dumb, dumb, he probably thinks I'm some type of freak, coming there and never buying anything, maybe he even thinks I'm homeless Taehyung thinks to himself. You wouldn't even have a chance with him, but that smile he just gave me, it was so darn cute. After walking the two miles between the bookstore and Taehyung's dorm, the flush that had risen to his cheeks had gone along with the remaining warmth of that day. Winter is coming. Taehyung could see it everywhere, trees shedding their remaining leaves, birds flying out to warmer places, a sudden change in several people their moods, winter is coming and it'll be here within days.

Taehyung snuggles into his Hufflepuff scarf and makes his way home, a shiver running down his spine. It really is cooling down quickly and he can't wait to be home, wrapped in blankets with a book in his hands. When he reaches his dorm he can see light coming from behind the dorm. GoodTaehyung thinks, Jungkook and Hoseok are home. He opens the door, quickly stepping inside and closing it behind him, warmth finally surrounding him. As he takes off his coat he can see Hoseok cooking in the kitchen, not noticing Taehyung his arrival at all. The youngest is probably in his room. Taehyung makes his way up to Hoseok, poking his sides and making Hoseok almost drop to the ground. "For fuck's sake Tae, I told you to stop doing that" Hoseok chuckles and pulls him in for a hug "how was uni today?"

"Uni was fine, we didn't do much today really. Mostly painted and made loads of sketches for new projects" Taehyung replies, Hoseok nodding at the answer. "Will you ever show me what you're working on?" He asks with a curious tone, making Taehyung raise his eyebrows. "Maybe if you're lucky I will." He looks over at the food Hoseok is preparing, it's definitely for more than just 2 people. "Is kook in his room?" Taehyung looks up at Hoseok who nods as he stuffs some vegetables in his mouth. "Okay, I'll be back in a bit" Taehyung says as he pokes Hoseok's sides once again, receiving an angry look from him. As he makes his way to Jungkook's room, who's most likely playing a game such as Overwatch or Fortnite, he quickly changes into a much more comfortable outfit, putting on a big oversized hoodie. He enters Jungkook's room and is surprised when he doesn't see him behind his laptop, but instead sees him laying on his bed with a book in his hands. "You studying?" he looks up at him and sighs deeply before he answers with "yeah, I'm failing the subject so I'll have to if I want to pass." At that Taehyung smiles, almost with empathy for the younger because he knows how much he hates reading and studying. "Dinner will be ready in a few, we'll talk then, yeah?" Jungkook nods and puts his eyes on the book again, Taehyung making his way to the kitchen again.

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