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Taehyung's eyes open softly, eyelashes sticking together because of his dried tears which he didn't wipe from his face. He yawns and just when he's about to get up he looks at his surroundings and doesn't recognize anything. There are voices coming from the room next to him and Taehyung can't help but eavesdrop on the conversation being held. He looks through the room he's in and then remembers what happened before he fell asleep. He's with Jimin. This is his room, his bed he's laying in. He looks at the nightstand on his right, the tea Jimin gave him long forgotten.

The voices in the other room grow louder and there are multiple laughs filling the room along with someone talking in a serious tone. It's about, sex? Are they talking about sex? He shakes his had and wants to get the conversation out of his mind without thinking about it for too long. His head is pounding and the voices coming from the other side of the wall seems 10 times louder than they probably are. The door opens slowly after a few minutes, a curious Jimin peaking from behind. It's funny how the look on his face completely changes the moment he sees that Taehyung's awake, probably afraid that he heard the conversation from him and his friends.

Their eyes and Jimin his face is full of the emotion called fear. His eyes widen and he starts stuttering words, asking Taehyung if he had heard what they were talking about and when he nods, Jimin turns even redder than before, looking incredibly tiny to Taehyung as the older stares down at his feet, mumbling a quick "I-I'm gay though, I hope you don't mind". This leaves the younger one in shock for a few moments, his doubts finally displayed and answered right in front of him. A huge smile makes its way to Taehyung his face as he realizes that he might actually have a chance with Jimin. He breathes in slowly when Jimin raises up his eyes to meet Taehyung's and the younger smiles brightly, almost shouting a loud and bright "me too" as he awkwardly rubs the back of his head. The older one is now staring and though Taehyung doesn't really mind being around Jimin or being stared at by him, he does feel like he's overstaying his visit and that he should go home for now. "I should go" he says and Jimin nods, opening the door for him where Taehyung finds two lads splayed out over the couch, pretending to not have been listening to all this time. "Hey Yoongi" Taehyung chuckles and the older looks up, a guilty look on his face "maybe you should give Hoseok a call sometime, I'll give you his number". After having done so, the older looking at Taehyung in confusion but seeming somewhat grateful for the number, he makes his way into the hall, Jimin softly walking behind him and as Taehyung is about to give Jimin his scarf back, Jimin shakes his head "don't worry about it, it's cold and you probably didn't take another one with you. Get home safely okay?"

Taehyung tucks the scarf tightly around his neck, breathing in the scent of Jimin's perfume. ''I will. We can maybe exchange numbers? If you want of course.'' Jimin nods and grabs the phone Taehyung is handing out, typing down his number in his phone and saving himself as 'Jimin' with a cute emoji behind it. ''Text me when you get home, yeah?'' ''Will do, Jimin.'' He gives him a quick hug and leaves their dorm, making his way back to Hoseok and Jungkook who would probably want an explanation as to why he isn't home yet. It's dinnertime right now and he hasn't responded to any messages just yet, probably worrying Hoseok. He rushes home, walking through the cold and feeling the icy wind hit his cheeks. As he's on his way home he keeps thinking about Jimin. Jimin Jimin Jimin. The boy who's too sweet for his own good and takes care of people more than they deserve. Jimin who's drunk and doesn't care about anyone but Taehyung. Jimin who loves books more than he possibly loves himself. He sighs and shoves his face further down Jimin's scarf, his nose now covered by the soft cotton.

you were good to me by Jeremy Zucker is playing on his headphones and he once again wraps himself tighter into his coat, the cold is chilling Taehyung to his bones and after having left the warm dorm of Jimin it feels even worse. Jimin keeps crossing his mind and as he reaches his dorm, he immedialety sends him a text, chuckling at the chick emoji that he's put next to his name. I'm home!! he texts him and puts his phone back into his pocket, grabbing his key and slowly opening the door, seeing both Hoseok and Jungkook on the couch. "Hi, guys" he whispers as he closes the door behind him, taking off his coat but not the scarf and walking up to the others. "Where were you Tae? we were worried" Hoseok whispers, in the same soft tone as Taehyung had just used and lump in his throat obviously present. "I wasn't feeling well so I went to the park where me and my parents used to go all the time and then Jimin saw me and helped me calm down, I'm okay now I promise, I slept a bit at Jimin his dorm and I feel better" Taehyung whispers back and Hoseok nods slowly while Jungkook stares at Taehyung in the meantime. "I'm sorry but can you repeat that for me? You? slept at Jimin his house? Your crush for what? 2 years now?" Jungkook asks, mouth slightly open and Taehyung chuckles and nods. "Yeah"

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