Performances and Paintings

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The beautiful and lively spring passes without any further trouble and everyone seemed to be at peace for a while, until a few weeks ago, all of the students realizing that the year was drawing to an end, their final projects being all they think about right now.

Though, Jimin and Taehyung always managed to take some time for each other, to catch up or to work in silence on their own projects, feet secretly touching and small glances being shared. Currently, they're outside of the city on a bright Sunday afternoon, the sun shining on their faces as they're laid back in the sunflower field, both of them enjoying the quiet atmosphere instead of the always-bustling city.

Grow as we go by Ben Platt is playing in the background on the Bluetooth speaker they brought, their sandwiches lay long forgotten in the tall grass, Ants already breaking parts off to take to their colony. Jimin has already dozed off yet Taehyung can't fall asleep, his mind being filled by two things. 

One; Jimin, but it's always Jimin, and two; his final project and for some reason those two seem to collide all the time, not making space for one another in his mind.

Jimin, Jimin, Jimin, it's always Jimin and Taehyung can't help but admit that he's absolutely smitten for the boy. The silver-haired lad sits up and looks down on his now dozing boyfriend, an idea forming in his head. He quickly grabs his phone and starts taking pictures, not only of Jimin but of his surroundings, the ants, the sun that's slowly setting, casting an orange glow over the world.

His sketchbook is right beside him, the song Something new By Noctilucent playing as he starts sketching out his ideas for his final project, a smile growing on his face."What are you doing, handsome?" Jimin murmurs after a while, his eyes remaining closed."It's nothing" Taehyung chuckles as he puts his sketchbook away, smiling softly to himself."Bet you're drawing the wonderful scenery in front of you" Jimin giggles, his gentle voice humming along with the song.

"Yeah, something like that" Taehyung lies through his teeth as he continuous to think about the sketches in his mind and the possible meaning behind them. He already knows, though. Has most of it already figured out in his thoughts, some of them written down in one of his old notebooks and some in the notes in his phone at times he didn't carry his notebook with him.

Jimin rests his head on top of Taehyung chest, humming the prettiest melodies under his breath."Did you know the color yellow resembles happiness and hope?" Jimin speaks after the song slowly drifts to an end, melodies fading into nothingness and the only background sounds now the chirping birds and the crickets in the distance. His hands reach out to one of the many sunflowers surrounding the two boys, his fingers touching it's leaves gently.

Another song starts playing, this time it being give it to you by Spencer Kane and Taehyung can't help but think that what he's feeling right now is the happiest he's ever been. Every factor of this exact scene displaying itself in front of him is perfect; the soft music, the sunflowers slowly swaying along the beat of the wind, the summer sun filling their bodies with warmth and of course, his boyfriend staring at his surroundings in awe by every single detail that the world has to offer.

"I don't ever wanna leave" Jimin sighs, vocalizing Taehyung his exact thoughts at the moment."Me neither, but the lads are waiting for us at home so let's drive back okay? we'll come back here, I promise".

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