they both die at the end

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Taehyung left the bookstore in quite a hurry after the conversation. He was having his own moment when all of a sudden some old friends of his parents showed up, reminding Taehyung once again of what had happened in fall last year. It's almost a year ago, he had realized at that moment as well, feeling guilty for not wanting to remember. He came to his university early, finding Hoseok seated in front of it and making their way inside. They tell each other to meet in front of the library after their classes end. When they meet up and walk in, Hoseok smiles and waves him over and they make their way inside, Hoseok being his usual self by poking and touching Tae, trying to make him laugh and Tae can't help but do so. His eyes move over the crowd of people and he meets a pair of brown eyes staring at him and Hobi.

It's the bookstore employee, eyes staring at him and Hobi who are making a fool out of themselves. There's a smile lightly dancing on his lips, most likely laughing at the two. Taehyung looks away quickly after a small wave, focusing on Hoseok again instead of the black haired boy seated on the other side of the table. They both sit down on the same table as well, right across the guy. They grab their laptops and start working on something they have to do for their classes. They don't have classes together except for the basics such as English and maths since Hoseok does a dance course. Always working on improving the flexibility if his body and the way he dances. Nothing's better than hearing Hoseok talk about dancing, or seeing him dance for that matter, because his eyes light up immediately and it's almost as if the sun starts shining when he does. They're working on a project together for their English classes, Taehyung glancing more at the guy in front of him instead of the project itself. And it's almost as if Hoseok notices, sometimes peeking glances at the boy too when Taehyung does, then looking back at Tae when he does.

The bookstore employee leaves after what seems like a minute to Taehyung and he feels a slight pang in his chest, not wanting him to leave at all. A few minutes after he left, Hoseok finally looks up at Tae and starts smiling. "you two had a moment right there bro! Are you into him? Do you know him?" Hoseok start firing off questions at Taehyung and the art student starts blushing. "I don't really know him, he works in that one bookstore I go to often" he mumbles and Hoseok starts smiling brightly "the one you spend basically all of your free time in? Is it because of the books or because of him?". Taehyung nods and he knows he'll get teased about this forever but all he can think about is that the guy goes to his university! He isn't sure if he never saw him or just did not notice him but now that he did, he hopes he'll be able to see him more. Something about the lad draws Taehyung his attention, wanting to be closer to him.

A while later they both leave, off to their shared dorm room. Jungkook is on the couch, reading yet another comic book from his collection which he has stacked up in his room. "Wow, such a surprise that u haven't made us dinner yet" Hobi says, tone more sarcastic and jokingly than ever. Jungkook looks over at them with a guilty look and bites his lower lip and he slowly shrugs his shoulders, mumbling a soft sorry. "Take out it is then?" Taehyung says and Jungkook's eyes grow slightly wider at the mention of it, Hobi sighing softly next to him. "We always order take out, can't we just-" before he can even finish his sentence Taehyung interrupts him "Be healthy and cook normal food, yeah yeah we know the drill, Hoseok" he says as he walks over to Jungkook and starts dialing the Chinese takeout restaurant where they normally order takeout from.

The food arrives half an hour later and they all sit down, staring at the packaged food in anticipation. Jungkook slowly unwraps it and hands everyone their favorite dish, diving in first. The rest follow and there are no words exchanged during the rest of dinner until everyone finished and they all smile contentedly. "That was good" Hobi says, blowing a strand of hair out of his face and Jungkook nods, slumping down in his chair a bit more. "I'm going out for a walk I think" Taehyung says and gets up from his chair, stretching his arms and cracking his neck. "See you in a bit" Jungkook mumbles and Tae nods, grabbing his keys and coat, opening the door and going outside. He closes the door behind him and is about to walk down the stairs when he notices a package on his doormat, the size of a book.

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