Chapter 14

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Jimin has been next to Taehyung his side for the past two days, and he's slowly getting better. The fever has gone down and he's finally eating properly again, which is good, considering today is his birthday. Jimin is currently in the kitchen, playing some soft music and making sure Taehyung doesn't wake up yet, as he prepares pancakes for the younger. Taehyung has been sleeping most of the day and yesterday but Jimin couldn't bear to leave him when he's feeling like absolute shit, and so he stayed. Slept on the couch while Taehyung slept in his room, checking up on him during the night.

As jimin prepares his birthday breakfast for Taehyung, he thinks back on the presents he got for the younger. He's quite proud of it if he's being honest since he put a lot of thought in it. He finishes the breakfast, putting everything on a pretty plate as he decorates the pancakes with strawberries, his favorite fruit Jimin learned, and a bit too much whipped cream. Taehyung hasn't eaten a proper meal ever since he got sick and Jimin hopes he'll feel good enough to at least eat some of the pancakes or the fruit laying on top. 

He walks over to Hoseok's room where he finds the two boys spread over the ground against the bed as they watch something on the laptop in front of them. "Do you want to join breakfast? I made pancakes."

Jungkook is quick to get up after Jimin drops the word pancakes, making his way to the kitchen. "Do you want a few candles? we can poke them in the whipped cream, make it feel like an actual birthday breakfast" Hoseok whispers as he looks for a few candles while jimin eyes the boy on the couch who's still in a deep sleep. "Yeah, if you have some." Jungkook puts 5 candles on the plate, making a few jokes about Taehyung sometimes acting like a 5-year-old which is why 5 candles are about enough for him. Jimin snorts and Hoseok pokes him against his chest, doubling over from laughing.

Jimin grabs his lighter and slowly lights the candles, grabbing the plate and carrying it to Taehyung his room. He knocks twice before barging in, singing "happy birthday" loudly and putting the plate down on his desk. Jungkook and Hoseok joining Jimin loudly in singing the song. Taehyung groans deeply, pulling the pillow over his head and telling them to 'shut it'. Jimin just chuckles and throws himself onto him "you're old nooow" and receives another groan from Taehyung.

"We're the same age, Jimin" he mumbles as he sits up straight in bed, tired looking eyes looking at the stack of pancakes in front of him. "Yeah yeah, now make a wish and blow the candles you oldie!" Jungkook yelps excitedly as he jumps on the bed, joining Taehyung. Jimin watches as Taehyung blows out the 5 candles at once, eyes closing as he does and a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he makes a wish.

They eat together on his bed after an argument between the four of them where Taehyung grumpily tells them to not eat on the bed, you'll all make a mess! but no one listens, only moving closer to Taehyung. "We got you a present, you can open it after you're finished!" says hoseok who looks more than happy to finally reveal the present he bought together with Jungkook.

"You shouldn't have" Taehyung pouts as he takes the package from them. He slowly rips open the paper, both of his roommates watching him in anticipation, his eyes start to twinkle when he realizes that the package reveals a new camera lens. A macro lens can capture small things clearly. A big smile is shown on Taehyung his face and he looks at both of his friends "we know you love capturing things like ladybugs and such so we thought you might need one". "Thank you" he whispers gratefully and they nod in acknowledgment.

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