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Jimin was struggling. He isn't sure how he should ask Taehyung to go to that cafe they talked about. Their chat is open on his phone, which is laying still on the table in front of him. After what seems like forever, he finally thought of something to reply. the text reads hey, how about that coffee? he clicks on the send button a second after, closing the app immediately and waiting for a response from the blue haired guy. Jimin puts down his phone, deciding to leave it be for a moment.

When are you available? :) Taehyung texts back and Jimin smiles, texting back What about this afternoon?.
I have college this morning but around 4 pm should be fine?. He gets as an answer for Taehyung and Jimin starts smiling, sending a quick ill pick you up from college before standing in front of his closet for a long time, deciding on what to wear.

Jimin is making his way towards his university to pick Taehyung up to go to the cafe. Jimin is just walking onto the university grounds and Taehyung is already standing outside, a cloud of warm air leaving his mouth, arms stuffed deeply into his coat and a beige colored beret covering his blue hair. He looks adorable really, but Jimin doesn't tell him so. The sun is already disappearing even though it's only 4 pm, the moon visible on the other side of the dark and somewhat cloudy sky.

Taehyung seems to see Jimin as well after he walks closer to him, wearing a bright smile on his lips. The greet each other and hug, Jimin leaving Taehyung's warm embrace quicker than he'd like. Taehyung is wearing Jimin's scarf again, it's one of the first things he notices really. Next to the pink blush on his chubby cheeks from the cold and the beret which looks absolutely adorable on his colorful hair. They make their way to the cafe they decided on going to, and now that he's walking next to Taehyung, he feels his nerves fade away again, pure excitement filling his system.

Taehyung is quite a bit taller than Jimin, but he doesn't really mind. The other is looking handsome as hell but his eyes seem droopy as if he hasn't slept for days, and maybe he hasn't, Jimin wouldn't know. "You okay?" Jimin asks as he looks up at the younger who just smiles and nods "Yeah, why?". "Nothing" Jimin shrugs and stares ahead of him "you seem tired". "Well," Taehyung chuckles and looks at the other. "Maybe that's because I am. College is killing me" he groans and Jimin chuckles.

"I feel you! I have so many assignments and one asked me to write about tragedies that happened in our lives" the older says and groans as well, both laughing. "what'd you write for it?" Taehyung asks and Jimin smiles to the ground as he thinks back on what he has written. "The death of my grandma" he says after walking in silence for a while and Jimin is glad that Taehyung gave him the time to think about it, not pushing him.

"oh" the other whispers "I'm sorry, was it recent?" and Jimin nods, still not able to look at Taehyung, staring into the distance instead and almost missing the alley where the cafe is situated. "take a left here" Taehyung mumbles before Jimin says "it's okay though, she's still with me, even though that probably sounds weird, I'm sorry" all while playing with the small silver necklace around his neck.

"It's not weird, honestly. I feel the same about my parents. I, I lost them in a car accident but I know they're still here." Jimin looks up at him, his eyes glassy and a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "They are, they always will be." A small silence falls between them, processing each other's words before Taehyung starts talking again, leading Jimin to the cafe. The appearance of the cafe from the outside looks stunning already, and Jimin can't wait to see what the inside looks like. It looks like something that's made for Taehyung, it's beautiful but extraordinary. "I promise you you'll like it, it's my favorite place to go when I finish school. Next to the bookstore, of course" which makes Jimin blush, but he blames it on the cold. He always does.

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