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The next morning is, well, quite a blur if Jimin has to be honest. His head is pounding and a wave of nausea got him feeling even worse than the headache already made him feel. He looks over at his alarm clock, the big red letters reading 9 am. He just got back on track with his classes, but he decides to skip the whole day again since his hangover definitely won't let him stay focused at school.

The memories from yesterday evening flow back into his mind, well, at least bits of it. He's afraid he can't remember the end of the night, because after his karaoke battle with Taehyung everything is- wait. A few small sentences such as "I sang with Taehyung" "wait no, I definitely dreamed about that part" and "I would never be confident enough to sing with him" escape his mouth, soft mumbles filling the quiet room.

He checks his phone is quick to find out that yes, they did sing together. And hell, they look like a highschool couple in every picture Jin took of them. He scrolls through all of the pictures Jin sent to him, a few smileys underneath the last picture and lots, and he means lots of purple hearts. He can't remember any of it, except them singing the song coffee in Shanghai together. The remainders of the night are a blur really. Some snippets of all of them on the stage filling his mind, but nothing more than that. He sighs deeply, his small hands finding his way through his messy black hair.

He definitely needs to ask Jin or Yoongi about last night's events. If they remember, of course, which Jimin hopes they do. He gets out of bed to grab a glass of water and finds that his Slytherin scarf isn't hung over his chair anymore. weird he thinks, leaving his room to hopefully make his pounding headache disappear.

As he makes his way to the living room, he can already hear someone working on breakfast in the kitchen. Probably Jin Jimin thinks and drags himself to the kitchen, finding Jin up and about without any sign of a hangover. "Give me your genes" Jimin grimly mumbles and slumps down in a chair, taking his head into his hands. Jin puts down a plate of fruit and a glass of water in front of him and snickers. Just after, Yoongi walks in as well and both he and Jin exchange a glance, a smirk shown on both of their faces.

"Seriously" Jimin groans and grabs a pillow, throwing it towards the other two "have some empathy for me and my low alcohol tolerance". "It's your own fault" Jin and Yoongi say at the same time and Jin adds an "at least you got some interaction with that Taehyung boy of yours.". Jimin his eyes shoot up to look at the both of them and even though he feels drowsy and nauseous, he stands up, grabbing Jin his shoulders "tell. Me. What. Happened. Where is my Slytherin scarf? What happened after we sang Coffee in Shanghai?". "Calm down and eat your fruits first" Jin chuckles and pushes Jimin back down into his chair.

He frowns deeply trying to remember more from yesterday as he eats his fruit with the biggest pout. "Can you please tell me now?" he mumbles, trying to cover his mouth full with various fruits. He gives the now empty bowl back to Jin, staring at him until he sighs. "Yeah, sit down, I've got quite the story to tell you." At that Jimin gulps, not sure if he still wants to hear all of it. He starts telling Jimin all about yesterday, Yoongi sometimes adding a few things to his story.

Jimin listens attentively to everything the two lads have to say and halfway through his mouth falls open slowly. He and Taehyung went from barely talking and sharing glances to singing together and even hanging onto each other. Jimin knew he could be clingy after too many drinks, but with Taehyung? That's embarrassing. Especially now that he doesn't even remember anything.

He hopes Taehyung remembers what happened, but then again, does he want Taehyung to remember him as the drunk clingy lad? Definitely not. "You almost kissed him, too" Yoongi spills, and Jimin almost on the water that Jin gave him. "N-no I definitely didn't. You're lying" He isn't even sure if he's lying or not, but seeing the smug smile on his face he is. "That's right, you didn't. But look at yourself now, you're red as a tomato." He hits Yoongi on the shoulder and hits his face in his hands. God, he's embarrassed.

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