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It's refreshing, picking up his old schedule instead of hanging around at home all the time. He's missed the bookstore, he even missed college even though he knows he'd rather stay home after his first day of being back. He sits on his usual spot behind the counter with a stack of new books next to him, one of the copies in his hand. The genre is fantasy and although it isn't his favorite genre out of all, he can't wait to read it. But as someone who works in a bookstore, Jimin gets excited over most of the books that he receives or the new books in the store. The hours at work go slow, it's a Monday morning so most people will be at college now, perhaps even work just like Jimin which makes it a bit boring but he still enjoys it. He puts on the radio, a song that he doesn't recognize blasting through the small radio next to him. He loves the vibe from the bookstore, everything is old and classic and just what he likes. It's not a modern and fancy place, it smells like old books and the furniture is vintage but still good. Even the bookshelves have tiny details drawn on them, making them look pretty and extraordinary. The tiny bell above the front door rings and he sees a boy that he recognizes very well walk into the store. He's got a backpack slung over his shoulder, a beanie over his head and his ears bend because of it which makes the boy look adorable really. He greets him and walks over to the back of the store, looking at the books about all different types of dancing. Jimin wonders if the guy himself dances, too. But he assumes he does, seeing how he moves.

Jimin knows that he and Taehyung and friends and by the way he found him close to Taehyung his dorm yesterday, possible roommates as well. The other seems to get lost in the music he's listening to in the back of the store cause small but secure movements are thrown into his walk as he nods his head to the music. Jimin wishes he'd get one of those bursts of confidence that he had last night in the park to ask the lad for Taehyung his hobbies, phone number, anything that could make Jimin grow closer to Taehyung but he's not even sure if Taehyung knows his name. The boy seems to have found what he was looking for and takes it from the shelf, walking up to the counter and taking out his wallet to pay for it. As Jimin tells him his total, the other meets his eyes and starts to smile "Don't worry, he'll be back soon" he says and abruptly turns around, leaving the store and taking the book about freestyle with him. Jimin his mind starts racing and he can't stop doing it even though he knows it's distracting him from doing his job. What did the other mean by that?

Jimin doesn't want to get his hopes up for Taehyung to come back to the store, but now that the boy with the beanie had stopped by and told him that, even if he isn't sure if he is talking about Taehyung, he just can't help but hope he will come back soon. He misses the sight of him sitting on the ground, book in his lap and eyes scanning the pages. He couldn't help but smile in excitement when he saw his book in Taehyung's lap yesterday. He hopes he likes the books and doesn't think it's weird that there's a book in front of his dorm every now and then. The last hours of his shift go by slow, there aren't many customers and Jimin spends most of the time reading a book and reviewing it. One thing he likes most about his job is telling others about the books he reads which are usually the new ones. He gets to write short summaries on their website but whenever customers ask him about a certain book, he always makes sure to tell them every fine detail without spoiling the story.

He finishes his last review about I'll give you the sun out and moves away from the computer to work on the boxes with new books that came in. He's working the back, sorting the books by genre and as he is unpacking all the boxes, he finds a copy of Eleanor & Park in one of them and smiling as he thinks back on the story. The bell of the store rings and Jimin shouts a quick "coming!", cleaning up and walking back to the store. A familiar blue-haired boy is standing in front of the fiction shelf and Jimin can't help but smile. "Welcome back" he whispers and sticks his hands into his pockets, wondering if he should go up to the other again.

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