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Jimin wakes up way too early in the morning, the sky still dark and stars shining brightly. He's got work and college today, and even though he really likes working at the bookstore it can be quite exhausting at times. Especially on his own and after college. But the best part of it is when he gets home, body filled with exhaustion but seeing Jin or Yoongi prepare delicious food because they know he's had a rough day. He decides to get out of bed after having stared at the white wall filled with pictures and quotes for quite a while, dreading to leave. He puts on the most casual clothes, ripped jeans with a grey oversized hoodie on top of it, his small figure being engulfed by the hoodie. As he's walking to the kitchen to get coffee, he spots Yoongi sitting on the couch, notebook and pen in his hands as he stares out of the window with tired eyes, but also full with inspiration, stars almost reflecting in them. "couldn't sleep?" Jimin then says, startling the older just a bit, eyes leaving the direction of the stars and slowly turning his head over to Jimin. "No, mind's too full" he replies as he shrugs, viewing the sky again instead of Jimin.

Jimin sighs softly to himself, knowing he's not able to help Yoongi with what he's dealing with. He prepares breakfast for the both of them and gives a quick glance into Yoongi his notebook, finding it filled with several lyrical quotes and such. "You're going to break through some day, watch my words" Jimin says and chuckles, wrapping his tiny hands around his cup of tea and blowing away some of the steam. "I sure hope so" the older mumbles and the silence resumes between them. After finishing breakfast Jimin leaves the dorm, closing the door behind him softly, hoping he won't wake up Seokjin with it. He makes his way to the bookstore as the sun begins to rise behind the tall buildings, shining on all of the windows and giving the world around Jimin an orange glow. He opens up the store and sits down behind the counter, grabbing a cup of coffee and a book. It's usually quiet around this hour considering most of the world is still asleep at 8 am but surprisingly the store bell rings and Jimin looks up to see a familiar face coming into the store, it's the blue-haired boy that's always hanging around.

"Goodmorning" Jimin says as he greets the blue-haired boy who finds his way to his favorite, or so it seems, shelve with all kinds of different books. He smiles back at him and mumbles a quick 'morning' before his eyes dive back onto the books again, scanning the titles with curious eyes. Jimin does too, continuing to read his own copy of they both die at the end which he thinks is an amazing book, so amazing that he decided to re-read it. His gaze falls back onto the other lad every now and then, having sat himself down on the floor to get a better view of the lowest shelve. He puts his book in his lap and watches the boy for a bit longer, though he knows he shouldn't as it looks kind of creepy but it's also really none of his business. Though Jimin wishes it was. The time goes by quickly, and there hasn't been anyone else in the bookstore other than the blue-haired boy. So when he's still on the floor after quite a while, scanning the books, Jimin decides to walk up to him. "Is there any book you are looking for in particular or are you just looking around?" he asks as he crouches down, now sitting at the same height as the other boy.

"Not really-" the boy who's seated on the floor almost whispers "-I'm just looking around". There seems to be a slight fear in his eyes as Jimin asks him. So he gets up and leaves the boy to it. He sits down behind the counter again and wonders what goes on inside that lad his head. What could he possibly be thinking right now? The boy is looking at all the different books surrounding him, shoulders slightly slumped down and eyes upset.

Jimin wonders to himself if he'd done the wrong thing by walking up to him rather bluntly, he didn't have any intentions in scaring the boy but he looked a bit frightened, maybe just startled from the sudden sound in the quiet bookstore. He gets himself another cup of tea and continues to read this book again, not knowing what else to do since he's already done most of his tasks the day before. And so he keeps on reading, glances at the boy a few times and hears a couple of customers walking in. It's an older lady with presumably her husband, walking to the counter first thing as they enter the store to ask Jimin all kinds of things. "Do you, by any chance, have books about astronomy?" He asks with a gentle smile, and Jimin's eyes sparkle with interest as he mentions astronomy. "I do, sir! you can walk with me, I'll show you."
They walk over to a shelve buried in the corner of the store, filled with books about space and the earth, and stars.

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