chapter 16

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A big groan leaves Jimin his mouth as he slowly opens his eyes, his head pounding, a heavy weight laying on his chest, rising along with his steady breathing. A watery morning sun shines through the window and once Jimin truly opens his eyes he realises he's laying on the couch, Taehyung his whole body limp and spread across his own. The younger is snoring softly, seeming to still be deeply taken in by the sleep and alcohol.

Jimin can remember bits and pieces of yesterday, but some memories are blurry, making his head hurt even more. He closes his eyes once more, not wanting to wake Taehyung up but not being able to fall asleep again either. "Tae" he whispers after a while, poking his sides lightly, the younger only groaning softly before curling up into a ball and sleeping on. "Babyy" Jimin sings, playing with Taehyung his hair, his eyes still hurting from the light thats coming from all of the windows around him, none of the curtains being closed.

There are faint fireworks in the distance, the colours less visible with the sun now shining and the sky bright. "What time is it" Taehyung mumbles as he presses himself closer to Jimin, his head leaning on his chest. "It's 9 am" he sighs and puts his phone down on the floor. "Can we move to my bed soon? s'more comfy" Taehyung murmurs as he tightens the grip on Jimin again "and I don't feel like doing anything today."

The people who came to the party yesterday already left, or for as far he's concerned, cause when Jimin checks in Hoseok's room to see if he's there, he sees both Hoseok and Yoongi curled up in each other's arms, the curtains moving slightly from the open windows behind them. He leaves the room giggling and makes his way to Jimin who's already in Taehyung's room under the soft blankets. "What's so funny?" "Yoon and Hobi are huddled together in bed, they're cute." Jimin smiles and tells Taehyung all about how Yoongi kept talking about Hoseok after he met him for the first time. Taehyung crawls in bed as well, the warmth of the blankets inviting him in when he lets himself fall on the mattress.

He wraps his arms around Jimin his body, head resting on the pillow, the older seeming to have fallen asleep again. Taehyung wonders what happened to Jungkook, Seokjin and Namjoon after last night. He saw Namjoon and Seokjin talking for the rest of the evening while Jungkook had been completely out of the picture. His room wasn't locked either, no body found in his bed. He snuggles closer to Jimin, taking his scent in deeply before slowly falling asleep again.

It's when Jimin wakes up again a few hours later that he feels the alcohol he drank the previous night affect how he feels. He feels dizzy and nauseous and also as if he's about to throw up. He buries his head deeper into Taehyung's chest, wanting to avoid the nausea creeping up on him. Taehyung groans lightly under him, his hands reaching for the open curtain which he can't quite reach, his arms falling down with a sigh escaping his lips.

The sunlight hits their faces and it's bright, too bright for their sleepy eyes. Jimin's eyes haven't adjusted to the sunlight yet, so when he climbs out of bed to close the curtains he almost trips over his own two feet, curse words escaping his lips before he yanks the curtains together. "Watch your profanity" Taehyung mumbles before he throws one of the pillows into his direction.

Jimin dodges it easily and chuckles softly, launching himself at Taehyung before feeling nauseous again. "I think I might throw up" Jimin says and Taehyung pushes him off him "not on me, pleaase" he groans and Jimin grumbles as he makes his way to the toilet, just in time. "Are you okay?" He hears from the bedroom but he isn't able to answer. Two hands place themself on his shoulders, one keeping Jimin his fringe from his face, small droplets of sweat displayed on his forehead. "Oh Jimin" Taehyung whispers and a small whimper leaves Jimin his mouth, his head aching, his stomach churning.

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