chapter 1

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Okay so we all know Ronnie and Mariam Diamond but no ones knows their 'secret'. Well i'm that secret, Liv Diamond. So my parents are well known around LA, everyone knowing their business and invading their privacy but not actually knowing they had a 17 year old daughter. They had me young so I lived with my nan most of my childhood, when my parents became richer they was able to look after me and had loads of making up to do. I don't blame them for not being there for my childhood because they was young and couldn't get money to look after me but the fact that i'm 17 now and nobody knows who I am.

I don't complain because I have a good life. We live in a huge house, and I'm absolutely spoilt but the only thing I actually want is to be known. Being kept a 'secret' makes me feel not important which is causing me to become rebellious and to fail in school.

"Liv, wake up, time for school" Mom whispered into my ear. I groaned and rolled my self onto the other side of my bed. She then walked over to the window and opened it so that the light would get me up. Mom left me to get ready and went back downstairs. I got up and got into the shower and washed my body. I then chose out an outfit put on my makeup and grabbed my school bag. I wore my white skinny jeans, pink converse and pink shirt. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to find mom and dad sitting at the breakfast bar.

"your pancakes are in the microwave, you might want to warm them up" Mom said as she pointed towards the microwave. I walked over and pressed the 30 seconds button. I then got out the warm plate of pancakes and put my toppings on then sat at the table.

"Ronnie, don't you want to tell Liv something?" Mom said as she raised her eyebrow at him. He pushed his laptop to the side and looked towards me.

"Liv, we have some good news" Dad started. I gave him my full attention.

"what is it?" I asked.

"We have come up with a way to tell the world about you, but we need your help" He explained. I stopped eating and dropped my food.

"But..." Mom added. My face dropped.

"but what ?" I asked.

"we have to wait a while" Dad finished. I sighed then went back to eating. I knew it was too good to be true.

"Liv, we know this is hard for you but we promise, we will tell the world as soon as possible" mom then said as she put her hand on top of mine. I slid my hand out from under hers then stood up and grabbed my bag. I then walked towards my car and drove to school.

"Liv !" My best friend, Lexi shouted as I walked into the school gates. I walked towards her and we walked to our form class. We sat with our other friends Lola, Ruby, Scarlett and Harper. The sadest thing is that even my best friends don't know my secret. I mean I want to tell them because I think of it as I am lieing to tell about who I actually am. The first bell went and the first lesson was science. Me, Lexi and Scarlett walked to science and Ruby, Lola and Harper went to maths.

We took our seats and got on with the lesson.

"Liv White?" The teacher called out. Yes thats right, I don't even use my actual last name just so my parents can keep their secret.

"here" I replied. I was feeling emotional today, so I picked up my bag and walked out of the class. My friends looked confused and tried to follow but the teacher stopped them. I then got into my car and drove to the mall. I went to starbucks and ordered myself an Iced Mocha. I then took my drink and walked around the mall and looked in shops. I then recieved a text from my mom.

from mom-'The school called and they said you walked out, where are you?'

to mom-'at the mall'

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