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I was finished with her grave and I needed to rest. I went back to the barracks and I knew it was getting to be around evening from the place of the sun in the sky. I opened the door and laid on my cot and closed my eyes. Something had caught my attention again, people yelling close by and then a big crash of something that was made out of glass. I jolted up from my bed and got up. I tried to find my pistol that used to be in my belt but nothing was there. I was now unarmed. I felt my heart drop to my stomach. There were more noises and the voices became louder and I heard the Russian men. My heart was now at the point of flying out of my chest. I searched through the shelves and did not find anything. I looked on the floor and under the beds. I even looked on the windowsills and found a good sized pocket knife that had a name "Hans Mueller" carved into it. It had four knifes in different sizes. I used the second largest one.

I quickly ran to the side of the door, waiting for a Russian soldier to walk in. I gripped the knife as tightly as I could. I held my knife right next to the door knob. I turned the lock on the knob and locked it. My body, pressed against the wall as hard as possible. I took a couple of deep breaths and waited. A soldier started pounding on the door. I grew more tense and could barely move. He tried turning the knob a couple of times but he was not able to open it. Then, he kicked down the door with his foot and slowly walked in. 

When he was in far enough, I would make my move. I quickly shut the door behind him and put the pocket knife into his back. He fell to the ground moaning in pain. I went on my knees and pulled it back out and turned him over on his back. He was about to scream until I put my hand over his mouth. I grabbed the knife once again and put it in the place Kurt was shot, in the heart. 

His moaning quickly stopped. I gently pulled the knife back out again and looked at the dead soldier. Blood started to drip on the wooden floor of the barrack. I stood up and wiped my nose. There was another hard knock on the door. The soldier said something I did not understand.

"What's going on in there?" He said. 

There was no answer until the Russian soldier broke the door open again. I turned my head quickly to him and we both starred at each other. He was holding a captured MP-40 and was aiming it at my stomach. I put my hands up. He looked down at the soldier I had just killed. His eyes squinted at me and I pressed my teeth together. Behind him there were another two soldiers that came in. One looked like he was about my age. He went behind me and kicked my back. I face planted to the ground. My nose started to bleed. Then he picked me up from my neck and searched my pockets in my pants. He then punched me in the jaw. 

He and his comrades dragged me out of the barrack. They dragged me past six Russian soldiers that were burning the wooden flag pole down that had Germany's flag on it. Then I watched some soldiers throw burning sticks into the barracks. I watched the barracks burn down while they loaded me into a transport truck. Most of the soldiers in there were very young and others were about my age. We all sat there in silence. There was one young soldier that was not wearing a boot and was missing a big toe. It seemed infected and was horribly bloody. There were two Russian soldiers that hopped in the back with us so we could not jump out. During the trip, no one put their head up, no talking, or moving. That's because we all knew where we were going, a Russian prisoner of war camp.

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