Ch. 6: A Heavenly Rest

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Third PoV

When entering the hotel, Akio saw some masculine men. Akio looked at Erina and backed at the masculine men. Being surprised, he looked around as if he was looking for an explanation.

"Those of you who finish serving them dinner is allowed to have free time." Sekimori said.

"Who are they!?" A girl with two buns on her head asked.

"They're the members of the bicep college bodybuilding club, participating in their own camp at a nearby hotel. We have also invited the college's America Football club and Professional Wrestling club. Our dinner today consists of a steak set. Each student will prepare 50 servings." Sekimori said.

There were people who were complaining, some were angry, some were tired, and some looked like they gave up on life.

"B-but! What about our dinner?" The two bun girl asked.

"After finishing 50 servings, you're responsible for making your own dinner." Sekimori said.

"Making our own!? What about that fancy hotel dinner!?" The two bun girl asked.

Sekimori gave her a glare, "There will be none of that. Also, please be aware that each student will be responsible for their own breakfasts and dinners, not just today, but every day of camp."

That's when the two bun girl backed away.  The girl with the long purplish red hair went up to her and try to comfort her. 

"One last thing. Any student who doesn't finish 50 servings inside the next hour.. is expelled on the spot." Sekimori said.


The students went crazy and rushed. The students were yelling at each other, some were miserable, while others were working hard. Akio finishes making the 50 dishes and left. 

"Mhm~ Hm~ Hmm~" Akio hums as he walks to the hot spring. Akio looks around to see if there was anyone but there wasn't anyone. Akio is all alone and he's the first one to be here. Akio tilts his head but shrugged it off. Akio takes off his clothes and grabs a towel. He opened the door and washed himself. Just then the door opened. Akio jumped up a bit because he was surprised. Akio slowly turn his head towards the door and saw a muscular man.

"D-Dojima-senpai!" Akio eyes sparkles and he blushed because he was a bit embarrassed. 

"Oh? You're the first one here?" Dojima asked.

"Uh.. Y-yeah!" Akio stutters because someone he respects is here.

"I see.." Dojima said as he starts to stretch.

"Oh! May I stretch with you?" Akio ask.

"Sure! No need to ask though." Dojima said as he continues to stretch.

"Ehehe.. Sorry." Akio smiles a bit and stretched.

As they stretched, they talked a bit and they even laugh. Just then, someone opened the door. Akio jumps up again, surprised. Akio looks back and sees Yukihira. 

"Eh? Nakiri number 2! You're here too?" Yukihira said as he comes up to them.

"Please don't call me that, although I don't want you to say my name, it's better if you called me by my first name." Akio said as he enters in the water.

"Okay! What's your name again?" Yukihira asked as he scratched his head.

This made Akio a bit irritated. Akio looks at Yukihira and grabbed his shoulders. Yukihira was surprised by this sudden touch. Akio opens his mouth and then closed his mouth. He breath in and out.

"How can you forget even though you remembered my name when we met the second time. It's Akio, got it? If you forget then don't come any closer to me or Erina-nee-chan." Akio said as if he was threatening Yukihira but he was effected by it. 

"Hmm.. So you're the second one to get here?" Dojima said.

Yukihira thought of something but it was only a second. Yukihira and Dojima started talking. Akio looks at them quietly, listening to their conversation. Just then Akio heard something from Yukihira.

"Erina Nakiri? Ah, the dean's granddaughter. I've heard the rumors." Yukihira said.

Just then Akio just thought of something, 'He remembered Nee-chan's name but not mine? How dare he...' Akio then pouted a bit.

"It's said that when she was a baby, she was given only formula made by the senior teachers of the institute. Another story has her successfully identifying eight different types of salt while blindfolded. you could go on until you're blue in the face about how she truly has the divine tongue. But she had the skill to be the youngest ever to earn a seat on the council. That speaks volumes for talent. At this pace.. She will be the greatest chef.. No.. The greatest monster the institute has ever produced! With Akio being with her, they can be something far from monsters. But at the moment, they're still students." Dojima explains.

Akio looks at them and had a sad expression. Just then, one of the twins.. Takumi came through the door. Dojima looked back and said that he'll be going back. Akio and Takumi sees Yukihira and Dojima shaking hand. Akio blushing because he was shy and he tried not to show how much he wanted to shake hands with Dojima. Dojima sees this and shakes Akio's hand. Akio looks up at Dojima and bowed at him. Dojima leaves and Takumi starts to yell at Yukihira. Just when Takumi and Yukihira were speaking to each other, Akio notices that Dojima stops for a moment but leaves after. Akio raised an eyebrow. 

-Few minutes later-

Akio is in a yukata and lays on his bed. Akio exhausted and bored, he went under his blanket. 

"I want this everyday... Sleep and nap.. No loudness... My only love is sleep!!" Akio said as he sinks in the bed. Akio smiles and cuddles with his pillow. 'Goodnight everyone..' Akio thinks, knowing no one will reply.


Well.. This is the end of the chapter. Sorry if it took a while. I have testings and I have other things to do. It's kinda busy for me but I will try to update so please try to be patient. Anyways, thanks for reading this! Hope you enjoy this story.

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