Fixing Her

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Welcome to Fixing Her. I'm Michelle, and you'll be following me as I tell Hayden's story from when it all changed. As much as I don't want to spoilt my own book, I also find it very immoral not to point out the plot, so here's a list of themes that you'll follow throughout the book so they don't catch you by surprise as I know these are very sensitive and triggering topics, and the last thing I'd want for someone is to relive their trauma. I care about you guys so much and I know how challenging it is to be surprised and having to relieve a trauma, so please stop reading if the themes stated below are just one percent triggering to you.

~Mature content and abusive language
~ Graphic descriptions of sexual assaults and r@p£
~ $ui€id£ attempts
~ Ignorance and negligence towards both mentioned themes
~ Mental, emotional and physical abuse

This isn't going to be a mild story, it's a sharp knife that will cut several times, and so therefore, if you're sensitive to any of the subjects above, I genuinely and sincerely want you to stop reading right away. I will clearly mention in the beginning of a chapter if something will happen, and will also clearly state the start and end of when it occurs.

I'm not gonna tell you this is going to be the best story you will ever read in your whole life, because I'm one out of eight point five billion people, and so therefor the chances of this story being the best one you'll read is one out of eight point five billion, but if you're willing to join this ride, I promise I'm gonna drive you through a landscape you'll find at least a little bit interesting, and maybe to a beautiful destination.

Beside you, in this vehicle, will be seven people that won't ever get off;

•Hayden Rivera
~Hazel brown eyes
~Brown hair
~Light skin
~Five feet and six inches

•Parker Graham
~Twenty four
~Light brown eyes
~Light brown hair
~Light skin
~Six feet

•Isaac Taylors
~Twenty three
~Dark brown eyes
~Dark brown hair
~Tanned skin
~Six feet and two inches

•Thomas James
~Blue eyes
~Dirty blonde hair
~Light tanned skin
~Five feet and eleven inches

•Dylan Prescott
~Light down eyes
~Blonde hair
~Tanned skin
~Five feet and ten inches

•Landon Fernandez
~Green eyes
~Black hair
~Tanned skin
~Six feet

•Noah Peters
~Blue eyes
~Fawn brown hair
~Tanned skin
~Six feet

The events are taking place in Phoenix, a city that in real life exists in the United States, just like Minneapolis, but none of them have anything to do with the two real cities. I've just named two cities that I needed after ones that were located with a certain distance between them that I craved for the story.

This story is the pure result of my imagination and is protected under the law of Copyright. Any kind of translation, publication, use, copying, stealing and/or stealing of characters, events and/or places without author's permission is punishable by law and has consequences, therefor I am requesting from the beginning that no breaking of those rules will occur.

I do not accept translation requests and/or rude and offensive comments, but constructive criticism and covers are welcomed by a big smile and gratefulness.

I have no kind of schedule as to when I post a chapter, unlike The Daughter of the Gangleader, because I feel like that became too much and I put up expectations of posting a chapter at one time that I couldn't make or didn't have any chance to publish at, so the publishing of the almost forty chapters you are about to read the upcoming weeks, months or years, will be as soon as the chapter is finished and ready for the world to see.

As I'm one year older and wiser form when I started writing, it'll be a lot better than my first book, The Daughter of the Gangleader. I'm wishing you a nice ride and I hope you'll enjoy the view and landscape I'm gonna driver you through. Just relax, and I'll put my whole self to try to give you the best experience that I possibly can.

Don't forget to vote and comment in the end, beginning or middle of the chapter, and happy reading.

Enjoy ♡


What happens when a risk changes it all?
What happens when she gets one chance to inhale, but the risk to choke is bigger than finding air?
What happens when Hayden Kendricks not only catches up to, but starts replacing Hayden Rivera?
What happens after that Noah starts calling her his doll?
What happens after that Parker starts calling her his responsibility?
What happens after that Isaac starts calling her his ray of sun?
What happens after that Thomas starts calling her his little sister?
What happens after that Dylan starts calling her his bestie?
What happens after that Landon starts calling her his to fix?
What happens when they all, hand in hand, try to pick up her toxic pieces and give her their own, in order to fix her?
What happens when Fixing Her, is a lot harder for five unwelcome boys to do, than it was for one to Ruin Her?


I've tolerated this torture for over a year. I can't take one more. I can't take my mum's carelessness, Johns attitude, Kaitlyn's questions, schools bullying and Noah's smiles. I'm done now. It's over. I'm over.


I wanna ask you to somehow remember the words said in the beginning of a chapter. Not word by word, but remember their existence just. Well come back to that later on.

Happy reading (even if happy isn't the right word to use..)!

adore you ♡,
x Michelle

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