Chapter Four

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I awoke to a throbbing headache. I got up from the cold ground and sat there for a minute. I looked up to see the sky cleared from the storm clouds and millions of tiny stars twinkling. That’s odd. Last I remembered, it was raining. A sharp pain pierced my head as I rose from the ground.

I touched my head to ease the pain. Ughh, what just happened?

I looked around to see the town deserted, dark, and foggy. I looked around again and realized that I was in front of the cemetery. The cold gates were wide open and fog seemed to surround the graveyard as well making it look like it was a graveyard from a scary movie.

I shivered.

Oh crap, I should probably get out of here.

I got up and a wave of nausea hit my head again and I wobbled slightly.

“Ughh,” I complained out loud.

A rustle in the trees next to the graveyard gates grabbed my attention. I quickly turned my head to look over at the source of the noise. "Who's there," I yelled out into the clearing.

More rustling noises were made and then, what seemed to be like a figure of a boy, jumped from the tree.

I gasped out loud as he walked over to me. I scrutinized him while he made his way over to me.

He had black, tousled hair and piercing, ice blue eyes. How captivating. He wore old fashioned clothes like a suit and trousers that seemed outdated and his shoes were black dress shoes. Strange.

I guess I was staring at him too long because before I knew it, he was in front of me.

"Who are you?"

He tilted his head at an angle and seemed to analyze me. He shifted his view down to my chest. I looked down to see my necklace laying there. I looked back up at him and a flash of recognition crossed his face. A smooth voice entered the area. "My name is Vincent."

I nodded slowly and looked around so I didn't have to look at him. The streets seemed to be deserted of cars and the area seemed to have some transparency to it. Fog filled it town. It looked like Clear Water but it seemed like I was in another dimension.

As if I had questioned out loud, Vincent had an answer. "You're not in Clear Water anymore, Serenity. Well, I mean you are, but just not the Clear Water you know."

I looked back over at Vincent to see him staring very intensely at me. I started panicking at his statement. "How do you know my name and what do you mean I'm not in Clear Water? Now you're just being stupid. This obviously looks like Clear Water," I corrected him in a strained voice.

Vincent pursed his lips as he tried to explain the situation more cautiously. He completely ignored my first question. "Yes, this place looks like Clear Water, but take a good look around. Does this really like your town? Look closer."

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