Chapter Eight

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When I finally made it back to the castle, it had been dark already. I was seriously shivering from the cold. I needed to hurry and get inside before I caught pneumonia.

"Serenity!" A smooth, masculine voice called out.

I turned around to search for the voice that called me. Vincent was speed walking towards me. I covered my body to keep warm as he made his way over to me.

His face looked alarmed as he frantically reached me. He grabbed both my shoulders and scanned my face and then down my body. I gave him a confused look and then he let go of my shoulders, gripped my arm and then dragged me towards the castle. His grip on my arm was strong and hard. I was definitely going to get a bruise there.

"Vincent, you're hurting me."

"I don't care."

I rolled my eyes. 

Vincent pulled my arm towards the side of the castle and then practically shouted in my face. 

"What is wrong with you?" He exclaimed, "You can't just go out and come back at this time! It's dangerous!"

I gave him a stoic expression. He glowered at me.

I ignored him. I really wasn't in the mood to hear him talk.

I ripped my arm from his grasp and opened the large castle doors.

Once I made it inside the castle, heat entered my body. I sighed contently as I tried to walk up the stairs.

"Wait a second," Vincent called out. I stopped mid step and turned my head to look at Vincent. He walked close to me and stood on the step before the stairs started. I was on the step above him making me a little bit taller than his already tall stature.

Vincent held a determined and annoyed look on his face. "Where were you and why are you all wet?" He asked rigidly. 

Deciding not to tell him what I was doing, I merely shrugged. A water droplet fell from my hair and I wiped my face. I was so exhausted. Vincent seemed to notice this and sighed tiredly and ran a hand through his silky black hair.

"Don't go out again by yourself anymore," he said quietly, "Something obviously happened that you're not telling me which is why you're wet. You should go upstairs and get yourself cleaned."

My eyebrows shot up. Is he actually caring about my well-being?

That couldn't possibly be it though considering he doesn't like me at all and he's made that very clear. He's probably worried since I'm supposed to "save" everyone and without me, they probably wouldn't be "saved."

I heaved a weary sigh and walked away from the odd, mysterious boy. Once I arrived at my room, I immediately looked around to see if there was a door that could possibly have led to the bathroom. I saw a door across my bed. Huh. I didn't even notice the door there. Hopefully it was the bathroom. I went to search for my nightgown and grabbed. I walked towards the door and when I opened it, I was relieved to discover that it was the bathroom. It was just as nice as the room with its gold color and decorate designs. I let out a relieved sigh and turned on the faucet for the bath tub. Once the water reached near the top, I turned off the faucet, took off my clothes and stepped inside the tub.

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