Something i need you to understand

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You left when i was willing to stay and work things out.  So if you’re suffering now, that isn’t on me. You keep saying I don’t understand but for God’s sake, when will YOU understand that i spent months with you, i spent hours, days and weeks, i started picking up your habits and i knew exactly what triggered you, what made you happy, when to leave you alone, when to sit by you when you felt that you needed me. I did a lot with you so DO NOT say that I don’t understand, because if there is even one Person who understands, it’s me. You always want people to just understand, to not get angry, to give you space when you need it, to just listen, I’m not really sure anymore since we haven’t spoke in so long but all i need you to know is that i did it, i did Everything. So don't you dare ever say that i didn’t understand because help me God, i did everything i possibly could. Also, don't forget that when no one was there, i was. And nothing hurts anymore, but i just needed to say this.
Thank you for reading it if you did.

Some Feelings               Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt