II. The Obliviousness

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A/N - I was listening to this song by 1D today and got inspired to write this chapter! Hope you like it!


The Obliviousness

in which Gilbert and a friend talk about a certain redhead

Gilbert did not see Anne Shirley-Cuthbert until that Monday.

The boy had spent the most part of Sunday morning working his farm and chopping wood whilst waiting for Bash and Mary to return home. The couple had been travelling between Charlottetown and The Bog so that Mary could entirely move into the Blythe's home.

Gilbert had enthusiastically awaited for having someone to share his home with for so long. He liked the prospect of waking up to the smell of crisp toasts and fresh boiled eggs. He could get used to that. He honestly could use a family. Ever since his father's passing, he had felt so lonely. Truth is he had close friends like Charlie or Moody but they did not seem to understand him that way. There was a part of Gilbert Blythe's soul that was isolated and in need for company, and not anybody could see that, just certain people. Kindred spirits, he thought to himself. There was someone who did understand that side of him, though. A fiery and brilliantly intelligent young girl that knew very well what the word "loneliness" meant.

After chopping enough wood to lit a fire, for it appeared it was going to be a breezy, cold autumn, Gilbert walked into the kitchen to find a rather overjoyed Bash preparing some of those exotic dishes of his beautiful land. The smell of curry and other spices that he did not recognise filled his nostrils and he realized then that he had not had a proper meal since both Bash and Mary left about five days ago.

"Bash?" Gilbert said quietly, looking at the man, who was standing near the oven with his back turned to the door. They're here early. "Hello, I'm home" he breathed out.

"I have eyes in this face of mine" Sebastian said with a mocking tone in his voice. Gilbert rolled his eyes at his remark and crossed his arms, while leaning his body on the kitchen table, clearly annoyed at his friend's sense of humour. "Hello, Blythe" Bash added, with his particular grin on his face.

"You're back early, is everything alright?" Gilbert asked, confused by the early arrival of the pair. "Where's Mary?" He took a look around, spotting Mary sitting in the living room and having a cup of tea. The woman waved at him with evident cheerfulness on her face.

"Everything's fine, Blythe. Actually, everything's perfect" his wide smile covered his whole face. Then he changed the topic all of a sudden after clearing his throat. "Ehm, how was yesterday afternoon with your Anne of Green Gables?" Bash smiled goofily, knowing for certain that this topic used to get on Gilbert's nerves. One day, he'll become a man and he'll accept his feelings. One day.

"She's not mine" he said abruptly. "Stop making that face. And it was lovely, actually. She's been telling me about- wait, how do you know she was here?" he said, a puzzled expression on his face.

"Oh, I might have read that little cute note she left for you" Bash held the folded piece of paper in his hands, holding it in the air above Gilbert's head. "It was adorable!" Mary shouted from the living room.

Gilbert was clearly annoyed. "That was private, you know" He ripped the note from Bash's hands, earning a mischievous smirk from his friend, who raised one of his eyebrows, obviously amused at Gilbert's annoyed face.

"You can't keep loving her from the distance, Blythe. It's painful to watch"

"Yes I can! I mean, I-I could" he said, getting nervous. "But it's not the case. I don't love Anne. I mean, I do care about her, but she's just a friend. I care about her, in a friendly way." He sounded almost convincing enough.

Bash's laughter filled the whole room like a strendous, slamming noise. "Really, Blythe?" Would you write letters to 'just a friend' every single week you'd spent in that boat? You may fool yourself, but you can't fool me, my friend"

Gilbert scoffed and concluded the topic, mumbling a "You're impossible" directed to Bash, whilst holding his index finger in the air, pointing at him.

"Anyway" Bash sighed, as his wife walked into the kitchen. "We have some news"

"We?" Gilbert asked, confused again, at the same time that Bash put his arms around Mary.

"I'm pregnant, Gilbert" the woman calmly announced. Both Bash and her couldn't supress their radiant smiles.

"We're having a baby, Blyt-!"

Sebastian couldn't finish the sentence, because the boy had already embraced the two of them into a tight hug.

A family living in this house. Again.

Despite denying everything Bash had said that afternoon, Gilbert took his words with him to bed. That Sunday night he lay in bed thinking about his friend's words, that were now being replayed in his head. We're just friends, right? It's been a long ride for us to get to this point of being friends. Why would there be anything else there?  He thought about every single possibility ahead of him... and Anne.

He thought about the future quite often – him becoming a doctor, having a family of his own... and Anne. Anne. Anne. Anne. She never left his mind.  Why can't I stop thinking about her? The raven-haired boy tossed and turned in bed, covering his busy head with his pillow. A few hours passed by and he still had not fallen alseep, for everytime he closed his eyes, burning auburn hair appeared in his mind. Brain, stop it! He groaned and got out of bed, reaching for paper and ink that were displayed in his desk.

"I need to focus on something else" he whispered, sitting in his chair. "Write something. Focus on that task"

Dear Anne

"Fantastic" he sighed, sarcastically. Why did I even write "Dear Anne"? Well, at least I could return the favour, since she left a note for me. Yes, that will work.

Dear Anne

Thank you so much for your company the other day. You really do know how to brighten up the darkest of days with that vivacity of yours.

Good luck with today's spelling bee.

Your tedious all-time rival,


A/N - And that was chapter 2! Thank you sm for reading and for the comments. Do you think the chapters too short? Too long? I don't really know about the lenght. Please feel free to comment your thoughts/theories :)

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