VIII. The Secret

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The Secret

in which a certain curly-haired boy finds a confidant

The morning after the storm, Gilbert Blythe was woken up by a very surprised Matthew Cuthbert. The old man had walked into the living room early in the morning to find the figure of the tall boy snuggling in the tiny uncomfortable sofa. He was wrapped in a messy pile of several blankets and Matthew guessed that was probably Anne's idea. He smiled at the sight of the young boy before poking his arm awkwardly.

The boy jumped out in fear, startled by the touch. "Well, uh, good morning, Gilbert"

"Mr. Cuthbert!" he said with a husky, jumpy voice, sitting now cross-legged in the sofa and unwrapping himself from the blankets. "I'm so, so sorry, I can explain what I'm doing here"

"Oh... it's alright" the man said with is usual shy voice. "You are always welcome at Green Gables" Gilbert was already silently getting up from the sofa when a voice came from the staircase, making both the boy and Matthew look towards that direction. "Do you want to stay for breakfast?"

"Anne" he whispered.

Gilbert looked at the girl standing in the staircase, trying not to think about the fact that she was still wearing her night gown with her hair down. Think of something else, Gilbert. But then he thought about the previous night. Their glances during the dinner. How he told her how highly he thought of her. Her hair. The touches. Their walk back home. Their two figures standing closely in that exact staircase. How he had leant in... Damn it!

"Er, no" he said abruptly, tearing his eyes away from Anne, which was now frowning at his answer. "I should go home, Bash and Mary are probably worried". Gilbert walked out of Green Gables as fast as he could. Lots of thoughts ran his minds and he did not like half of them. An unfamiliar voice startled him.

"What are you doing here this early?"

Confused, he turned around to face Jerry Baynard, the young boy the Cuthberts hired to work in the barn. Gilbert and Jerry had talked just a few times, mostly over that past summer when Gilbert showed up at Green Gables out of nowhere to propose some random plan to Anne.

"Ah, nothing" he said with indifference. "Good morning, Jerry" he nodded politely before walking away from him. However, the french boy did not seem satisfied with the answer, so he started walking after Gilbert. "Bonjour!" he greeted him. "Tell me the truth"

"What do you mean?" Gilbert looked at him, his eyes narrowed, probably because of the early morning sun hitting his eyes, or probably because of the other boy's words. Despite Gilbert being a very polite and educated young man, he was not quite fond of Jerry, and he was not able to hide it. He had heard from Ruby Gillis and other girls at school that him and Anne were very close. Honestly, what does Anne see this annoying kid?

"Say it" Jerry said, now walking beside Gilbert, who was starting to get annoyed. "Say what".

"That you like Anne"

"I don't like Anne" Gilbert's face was now a contrast of exasperation and blushed cheeks.

Do I like Anne? As in a more-than-friends way?

"Ha, l'amour est dans l'air" Jerry's laughter filled the cold morning air. "What?"

It's not like he had not thought about it before. Those nights in which he had lay in bed unable to sleep, he had thought about her. About him. About Anne and him, together. He had always felt unsure about his feelings for her, though. He really admired the girl, yes, she was different than anyone else he had ever met. But did he like her?

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