Chapter 1

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Rei's P.O.V

I read the classroom numbers as I walk down the hallway. I'm almost late there's like two minutes left until the bell rings, and I definitely don't want to be late on my first day here. Being late and the new kid do not mix well, I sigh in relief as I see my class number. I quickly enter and sit down in an empty seat, just in enough time for the bell to ring as soon as my butt hits the seat.  I can feel curious eyes staring at me it doesn't make me uncomfortable like other people, in fact it comforts me somehow, knowing that they can see me.

" Alright class pay attention we have two new students joining our class today and I see that one of them has already made himself comfortable," The teacher says looking at me

" Yes, these chairs are surprisingly comfy," I comment

" Care to introduce yourself?" She asks me

" Nope I'm good," I answer

" Are you trying to be funny?" She asks slightly irritated

" That depends on your definition of funny," I tell her

" What's your name?" She asks I can tell that she already doesn't like me because she's gritting her teeth you would think that she'd be used to this kind of attitude considering that she is a teacher.

" Aren't you already supposed to know that?" I ask

" I do but the rest of the class doesn't," She tells me

" Then why are you asking, if they want to know my name then why don't they either ask or listen when you call attendance for any unfamiliar name's?" I ask her

" Alright if you want to act like that then can someone please ask what his name is? Anybody?" She asks the whole class, someone taps my shoulder so I turn to look at them it's a plain looking girl with straight brown hair and big blue eyes 

" What's your name?" She asks me, she has a quiet voice

" My name's Rei," I tell her with a slight smile

Oh, what do we have here? She's a cutie, I wonder what her scream sounds like? Should we find out? Rei?

"No, I say quietly

" What was that?" she asks

" Oh, it was nothing so if I might ask what is your name?" I ask her

" Me? My name's Lucy it's nice to meet you," She tells me

" Lucy? That a pretty name," I tell her, but something else is bugging me about her name and voice it sounds so... familiar.

" Okay did everyone hear that? His name is Rei, now let's get on with class," She says

" But what about the other one?" Some boy two seats in front of me asks

" Oh right I almost forgot, but he doesn't seem to be here," The teacher says looking around the class

" What's their name?" A blond girl sitting in front of me asks

" Let's see," The teacher says opening the book she has, I guess it's the class list " His name's Rin," She announces to the class I freeze at his name, How the fuck did he enroll in this school? How is this possible? I ask myself in my head silently panicking.

" Hey, Rei are you alright? you look a little pale," Lucy asks pulling me out of my head

" I'm fine," I assure her, yeah because fine is the perfect way to describe it right? I ask myself in my head sarcastically.

" Now that you know let's get attendance out of the way and start today's class," The teacher says sitting down at her desk. After attendance is done she starts the first lesson of the day, some stupid type of math that I have already perfected. In all my 8 years of homeschooling I've covered a lot more than I should have, my education level is already about college level. So I don't pay attention instead I zone out think of all the ways Rin could've possibly gotten into this school.

~1 hour later

"Rei!" Someone yells at me, I flinch and look in front of me the teacher's standing right in front of me and she looks pissed

"Yes?" I ask

" I asked you to solve the problem on the board and since you were paying attention you should be able to solve it right?" She asks handing me a whiteboard marker, I take it in my hand and walk up to the front of the room. I turn back and look at her, she wears a smug expression on her face, I return the expression. So she thinks that I'm not gonna be able to solve something like this because I wasn't paying attention to her dumb lesson well she's going to be surprised. I turn back to the board and in a matter of 8 seconds I've solved it and written down the answer. I put the marker down on the metal lip or whatever it is, and turn back to see her mouth morph into a frown

" Done, may I go back to my desk now?" I ask her

Yes, we are way smarter than you think bitch!

" Shut up," I mutter under my breath, barely loud enough for me to hear it

" Yes, you may," She says in defeated tone then she makes her way back to her desk, I do the same.

" You all have the rest of the class to spend as you wish," She says sadly sitting down in her chair, I sit down a few seconds after her. Lucy taps on my shoulder again I turn around in my chair

" What's up," I ask

" How you do that?" She asks obviously impressed with something I did

" Do what? the math? it's actually quite simple, " I tell her

" You just totally shut down Mrs. Grinch, she never ever gives us a free class," She tells me

" Mrs. Grinch? is that what her name is?" I ask

" No her name is Mrs. Grice, well that's the name we're supposed to address her by," She informs me

" Then where did Mrs. Grinch come from?"I ask confused

" It's just a nickname the students gave her because she acts like the Grinch from the movie ' The Grinch Who Stole Christmas'," She tells me, I give her a confused look

" Don't tell me that you haven't seen it?" She asks surprised

" No, and I haven't heard of it either," I answer

" Well maybe one of your friends owns it so you can watch it with them," She says

" Actually I don't have any friends at the moment, so I can't," I tell her

" Really? you seem like the type of person who would have tons of friends," She says

" Nope, not one," I sigh

" Well now you do," She tells me happily

" Who?" I ask

" Me silly, you seem like a nice person so I'll gladly be your friend," She tells me

"...okay?" I say confused then she says she'll talk to me later before walking over to a big group of people and joining their conversation. I sigh, alone at last I lay my head down on my desk this school thing is still new to me since it's my first year at a public school. Getting up early really caught up to me I think as I start to fall asleep.

Well, I hope you liked this chapter better than the first one, I hope you continue to read my book. 

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