Just wanting to be loved~~~ Lennon (pt. 2)

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He sat there buried in his thoughts when he heard the door open and close again. He barley noticed it until he felt a small pair of arms wrap around one his own. "Macca?" He asked a bit confused without bothering to look over.

   " No, it's y/n," you said in a soft tone. "Oh, hi n/n"
He said in an hurting but still affectionate and always tone. You hated seeing him like this, absolutely hated it. Now that you thought about it, this was the first time you'd seen him cry. " Why are you crying Johnny, is everything alright? It's not Mimi is it?" You questioned, your tone going from affectionate to worried.

    "No Lil Eppy don't worry, everything's as it should be I 'spose," He said as he tired to pull away from you, only causing your grip to tighten. "John, what's wrong?" You said in a more stern tone. " I'm fine, really. Go away." He finished with a small sob.

   You turned to face him and ran your thumb across his cheek, whiling a single tear. You stared into his honey brown eyes and asked once more, " What's wrong Johnny?" He began to laugh a bitter, sob filled laugh. " Don't ye hear that y/n? That's the laugh of a madman. You deserve someone a thousand times better than me. You deserve Macca. That leaves me all alone, now doesn't it?"

   "Oh John," you whispered, tears starting to roll out of your eyes as well, " John you don't even know how much I care," he looked up at you, his own brown eyes meeting yours, " What?" He said as more of a statement than a question. "I love you fool," you replied with a small smile of your own. " And you never have to be alone again okay?"

He broke down crying into your shoulder once more, and after a moment nodded saying ever so slightly, " I know, I know now," you smiled, letting tears run down you're own eyes, and held John close to your body. Rubbing small circles in his white t-shirted back.

    Shaking slightly, he pulled you as close to him as possible and let out a deep breath, " I love you y/n, with my whole heart and soul, please stay with me tonight," You let out a breath you didn't know you'd been keeping and said, "You couldn't stop me if you wanted to cutie,"

      Then you pulled out of his tight grasp enough to rest your forehead on his and finished by saying, " Oh and don't worry about Macca one bit, I prefer to be with a guy that is big enough I can pick him up and throw him," John laughed a little and said, " You always where a tough bird weren't you?" Then pulled you as close to him and humanly possible and laid down on the bed.

  There was no more need to exchange words, only to be there, with each other. Laying and looking at the subtle diamond outlines on the ceiling of the hotel room. Same as before, expect this time, John didn't have to be lonely.

Okay so what did you think? I hope you liked it! Sorry I made John cry, but he's happy now don't worry lol. Please request something if you're interested. Peace and love. Xoxo. Pineapple McCartney. 😘

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