Our garden- Harrison

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    You smiled as you watched your husband George sitting near a patch of flowers adding a few starts to the mix of colors. The warm mid-spring air made it the perfect conditions for gardening sans sunburn on your part at lest. He was wearing rather large hat over his long brown hair that you thought made him look rather goofy but he insisted upon. The late afternoon light playing with the trees made the whole scene even more perfect, 'what more could I even ask for,' you thought to yourself as your barley four month old son Dahni laid on a blanket on the grass next to you.

  George finished what he'd been doing and looked over to you, his eyes softened the moment they met yours, he couldn't help it. you smiled as he stood up and walked over to you, he sat down directly across from you and rested his forehead on yours, the brim of his hat going over your head, "You're beautiful you know," he whispered, you smile and whispered back," I hate that hat Geo," he laughed at you and replied in a mock hurt tone, "I told you i like it n/n! you wound me," then he looked away with a dramatic air. You chuckled and stood up stealing his hat from him and turning to run away, "Y/n you little rat!' he chuckled and chased after you.

      You started laughing when you realized he was chasing you, " You'll never catch me Geo!" you shouted at him, he began laughing as well, " Oh just watch me!" he chased after you for a few minutes, from one end of the garden to the other end, then caught you after a while longer tackling you to the ground near where you'd begun, you both broke into laughter and after a moment he managed to say," I told you I'd catch you, now my hat please?'' you sighed dramatically and freed your arms from under him, placing it on his head, he smiled and kissed you softly, then said,"It's not so bad is it?"

     You smiled and kissed him again, then whispered into his ear, "I guess you'll never know now will you Geo?" he smiled and laid his head on your chest looking at his now sleeping son and gently stroked his soft brown hair, "I'm so lucky to have the both if you, you know what I'd be without you? Nothing, nothing but a lonely man," he finished, answering his own question happily. You smiled stroking his soft brown hair, "I think we both got hella lucky Geo,    


     "This garden was a good idea y/n, I love being able to be here with you," he mumbled into your chest happily, "I love you, I love our garden too," you finished in a whisper. you looked around you  taking it all in, it didn't get any better than this, you wished it would last forever, it was just to perfect. Moments like that didn't come often and you where glad to share it with George.

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