These past weeks had been a ridiculous rush. You'd been extremely busy the whole time. The boys had been getting ready to go on their first tour with Eppy and you where in the middle of setting up for an art exhibition of your newest oil paintings. Needless to say sleep had been rare for you and Ritchie.
It was the last night before he left, everything was finally done. Your exhibit's debut was tomorrow evening and you couldn'tve been more stressed. You laid next to Ritchie in your shared bed, watching the moonlight make shadows on your bedroom wall.
You turned to see him laying across from you, he looked just as tense as yourself. You made eye contact and smiled, not the awkward kind of smile you have during a first date or an introduction, but more a smile that conveyed shared stress.
"It's three thirty A.M. love," he spoke,"Yeah I know, but I'm so bloody stressed," he sighed and wrapped his arms around you loosely, "Ta, I can't believe I'm not gonna get to go to your unveiling dear," he sighed
"Don't even worry about it, I 'spose it's gonna make up for my not being there on your guys' first actual tour," he chuckled heartlessly and pulled you close to him, planting a soft kiss on your forehead.You sighed, you wished you could've gone with him on his tour, you where close with Brian and everyone would've loved to have you, the only problem was how busy you yourself where. Being a newly popular and aspiring artist, oil paintings mostly, you'd been going ninth miles an hour trying to keep up.
You'd just finished a new collection called a
Mauve touch, a set of paintings of varying cities featuring one person in each, with the same shade of mauve featured through the painting, in the buildings, and the person. It was called new, fresh, and inspirational, for you that meant you'd go around the world showing it in exhibits. Amazing of course, the only problem was Ritchie, he was to be touring the world too, just not together.You laid your head on his chest and sighed, "I'm gonna miss you one hell of a lot, a can't believe we're gonna be apart till Christmas," he wrapped his arms extremely tight around your waist as if he was afraid you where about to disappear, and resting his head on yours whispered, " We'll see each other in California, New York, and Seattle, it won't be so bad,"
"Yeah I know, but it's still six months of us both traveling, barley broken up," You choked, having started crying, "Oh love please don't cry," he moaned, beginning to cry himself, you kissed his soft, plump lips, and wrapped your arms round his bare back and whispered, "Promise to write, and call, every day"
"I will," he whispered, his tears having subsided, but knowing he'd begin crying again if he talked normally. "I love you," "I love you too Ritchie,"
He ran his strong, warm, safe, hands through your hair, and you two just stayed like that until the sun rose. Occasionally you'd talk, but there wasn't much to be said, you just needed to be together for whatever time you had left.As the sun came up, you could only think about how much you knew the future held, for the both of you. You began kissing his chest as the alarm clock started to blare, "Well I guess we should get going then," you sighed.
He kissed the top of your head and whispered, " You're perfect, never forget that Y/n," you pulled him close to you and sobbed a little, " I love you Ritchie, so much," he ran his hand through your hair once more and then whispered, " We're getting married when we come home, Okay? I'm serious," you nodded into his chest and pulled him closer, "C'mon love, we need to get dressed,"

And He Loves You: Beatles One shots and imagines
FanfictionThe name says it all. I'll take requests if you'd like. #1McCartney as of August 8, 2020.