I'm throwin' ye in that lake~~Lennon *requested*

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(Requested by @jxhnlennxn)

  "Hands on the wheel, eyes on the road," he muttered to himself clenching his jaw a bit, you chuckled, "Having problems there Len?" he looked you straight in the eye and glared before swerving a bit tensing up and looking back at the road, "I shouldda bloody marrried a dumb ugly broad thas me prolem,"

  A smile grew on your face as you toyed with the wedding ring on your finger, "Is tha so Johnny?" he nodded rapidly, "There's a reason i don't drive yer so damn distracting," he lamented as you switched on the radio, "Ye like me outfit today?" he glared harder, "I don't think ye realize wha those damn short little things do to a man," he breathed whistfully almost as you giggled pulling down the blue corderoi skirt that caused him so many problems, as not to stick to the leather of the seat you sat on.

He glanced down at you biting his lip and discreetly slid his hand onto your thigh, "Slick," you commented, causing another glare to come your way, "Oh Len the things ye do to me," you chuckled taking his hand off your thigh kissing his fingers before placing it on the wheel, "I love not dying in a car crash,"

 He chuckled pulling into a petrol station parking lot, "We need petrol?" he chuckled pulling behind the station yanking you onto his lap snarling a little, "No," you giggled and pressed your lips against his warm thinner ones, his hands slid down your frame grabbing your behind causing you to let out a little, "Mh!" 

  The neon lights from the station's sign shone off his thin features, "You're so beautiful," you sighed, tracing your finger over his slight nose, he mocked a blush, "Oh mother, ought not I tell ye these sorts of things?" you chuckled leaning in, shoving your tongue down his throat with little notice, running your hands feverishly down his body, feeling your insides getting hot. As you begun undoing his pants buckle you heard a door open and a man shout causing your adrenaline to spike, "Ey ya bloody horn dogs get off it! Go find a different place to shag or I'll call the bobbies on the lot of ya!" you immediately shot back to your seat giggling girlishly, as the car screeched to leave the lot.

 As soon as the headline had been avoided you both burst into laughter, pulling onto a dust little lakeside road; he let out a breath as you leaned on his shoulder looking up at the stars. He smiled brushing some hair out of your face, "Those are quite some lips ye got there muma," he said cheekily, you smiled squeezing his thigh, "Yeah?" he nodded, "Mhm, know what else?" "What?" he smiled wider, saying i the most breath-taking of accents"I know we're almost to the hotel, but I'm throwin' ye in tha lake,"

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