Requested by @Marmaladeskies67 💕
You laid on your king sized bed, listening to the loud thunder and flashing lights seep through your windows. Laying near you was your gorgeous husband peacefully sleeping; messy hair, and chest peacefully rising and falling, undisturbed by the thunder. You sighed happily, kissing him on the forehead, then feeling a strong arm wrap around you, "How are ye doing love?" His groggy voice chimed as you ran a hand through his messy hair.
"Mhm, I'm good, you're gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous," you giggled as he flipped himself on top of you and connected his lips passionately, the warmth of his body transferring to you quickly. Another clap of thunder and flash of lightening illuminated the room, you massaged circles in his low back, as he began to kiss your neck you heard the door creak open.
You quickly threw him off of you and sat up to see little Ritchie standing in your doorway with tears in his big blue eyes, "Oh love, what's wrong?" You asked, opening your arms to him, "The thunder scared me mum," he cried as he flew into your arms. Ringo sat up, looking concerned as your little son cried in your arms; his mop of thick dark hair falling gently over your arms as he sobbed. Ringo moved to scoop him out of your arms, and put his face close to Ritchie's, "Are you alright Ritch?" He asked as the little boy cried, "I'm afraid of the thunder," he complained once more. Ringo held him close to his chest for a few moments until his sobbing subsided.
He gently handed him back to you and moved to get off the bed, "Where ye going love?" You asked quietly, running a hand through Ritchie's hair, " I'm going to get him some warm milk," he replied, you smiled and nodded appreciatively. The both of you watched him walk away, then Ritchie turned to you and asked, "Why was daddy on top of you mum?"you started to laugh, unsure of how to answer, "Oh um; he was just, he was just trying to get a bug off me,"
He looked at you in an accusatory manor, "That didn't look like getting a bug off mummy," he sneered, you put your hand over your heart, acting offended, "What did it look like we where doing then?" He narrowed his gorgeous eyes at you, "I think he kissed you! Kissing's gross mummy!" You chuckled and where about to reply when the thunder clapped again, making him jump, "It's okay love, it's only thunder," you cooed, rubbing the small of his back.
After another moment Ringo walked in, holding a glass of milk for Ritchie. He plodded his way up to the bed and handed Ritchie the glass, who took it great fully and downed it before Ringo was able to get settled on the bed entirely. Once he'd finished, the three of you snuggled up, with little Ritchie I between yourself and your husband. He looked up at you, his piercing blue eyes staring gently into yours, then down at his newly sleeping son.
He moved gently towards your face, pressing his soft lips against yours, "I love you blue eyes," he grinned as you spoke, "I love you too kitten," he whispered as you rested your head on his chest, drifting gently to sleep, letting the thunderstorm drift away same as your consciousness.
After a moment, your eyes fluttered open to the early golden light of morning; you stretched and looked over at the clock, it was 9:15, but you didn't have anywhere to be today. You gently kissed Ringo on the forehead, waking him softly and greeting him with a smile, "Morning love," he yawned, you smiled at the sight and responded, "Morning dear, I think I'm gonna shower," he nodded and sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. You got up and made your way to the master bath, shutting the door gently behind you. Ringo made his way off the bed and to the couch, picking the book off the shelf you'd recommended for him to read.
He settled in and began reading, and after a few moments he heard Ritchie sit up, "Mummy! Da! Where'd ye go, Mum?" He pleaded frantically, causing Ringo to stand up and move towards the small boy, "Ritch, it's okay buddy, I'm here," Little Ritchie looked relived as he plunged himself into his daddy's arms. Ringo carried him to the couch and settled down, "God yer a nervous little bugger aren't ye?" He sighed, Ritchie just nodded and procceded to ask, "Where's mum?" He smiled and reassured, "She's only in the shower love,"
The small boy nuzzled his head into his father's chest and replied with a soft, "Okay," Rigo smiled as he wrapped his arms around his son, "And how about we shower after she's done, m'kay?" The little one nodded once more, shifting in his father's arms so their matching eyes would meet and smiled. After a few moments of laying there together, the shower turned off and you opened the bathroom door to a sight that could make even the coldest of hearts melt.
Ringo looked up at you as you made your way across the room in a towel and nothing else, his eyes throughly looking you over as you walked, "Sod off Rings," you giggled as you went into the closer to get dressed. After you'd done so, the pair stood up and made their way to the bathroom, the considerably larger one leading the way.
After you'd gotten dressed, you made your way back to the bathroom to do your make up, finding your two boys in the shower, Ringo trying his best to shampoo Ritchie's hair without getting any in his eyes, "That doesn't feel right da," he complained as the former attempted to wash his son, "Well I don't know what to tell ye, are ye any better at doing this yourself than me?" He sassed as he goaded he little boy under the water to rinse the soap out.
You couldn't help but smile at the scene as you quietly applied your makeup, "Okay da," Ritchie said decidedly, once the soap had been rinsed from him, "Now it's my turn to do you," Ringo groaned a little as he got down on his knees, "Fair enough, but if he get any in me eyes, yer going to get yer license revoked," Ritch nodded as he began to shampoo his father's hair carefully, then pushed him over to the water and helped him rinse it out rather unsuccessfully, unbenounced to him however.
When Ringo stood up he washed the remains shampoo out of his hair and shut the water off, then bent down and whispered something to Ritchie, making him giggle profusely. As he made his way out of the shower, instead of going for a towel, he went directly for you. Wrapping his strong, absolutely soaked arms around your fresh clothes; and Ritch attempted the same , grabbing onto your leg and drying his little face on it, "Oh! Richard Starkey get off of me! Both of ye!" You laughed as Ringo kissed your neck, unbenounced to his little son.
After having satisfied themselves in getting you as soaked as they where, Ritchie asked to be picked up, and as soon as he was he said, "I'm hungry mum," you smiled and kissed his nose, "How about you go get dressed and then we'll all go to breakfast," he cheered triumphantly and slipped out of your arms and ran away to get ready, his little naked arse giggling all the way.
You giggled as you turned to Ringo, who put his arms in either side of you on the bathroom counter, pressing his lips sweetly against yours and whispering, "I can't believe that's our son, I can't believe we made a whole person. And he's hungry! We made a person and he's hungry because he's a person," He said happily as he made his way to the closet to get dressed. You could only laugh at how similar the two of them where, your boys. You hadn't decided how to tell him, as you found out only yesterday, but you couldn't help but grin as you moved a hand over your stomach. You knew you couldn't, but you swore you could feel them moving.

And He Loves You: Beatles One shots and imagines
FanfictionThe name says it all. I'll take requests if you'd like. #1McCartney as of August 8, 2020.