*Requested by @Emylennon 💕
The cab door opened to the flash of cameras, reporters shouting, microphones in your face. You could feel John's clammy hand against your skin, he smiled for the cameras as did you, but you knew he wasn't happy. You'd seen John happy and this wasn't it, yet he smiled, as did you. The rest of the boys followed closely behind you, close enough in fact that George was continuously stepping on your heel, you didn't mind too much though.
Being married to John, although only having been official for three months, was taxing. Not in the sense that he was a taxing man, although he could be at times, but in the sense that his fame got in the way of having a normal life. He'd been on tour for the first two months of your marriage, leaving you to your own work, and now that he was back you where constantly harassed by fans and media. He was worth it though, he was worth anything.
As he pulled you into the studio of the Ed Sullivan show there was a simultaneous sigh among all participating parties noise of people had become tiring to everyone. You sat back and watched the shuffle of the people preparing from the show, loud bustle and headsets suited them anyhow.
They where just about to go on when John timidly approached you, hands held behind his back, unusual for him. "Ella love," he cooed as you wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled his body close to yours, "Ey Johnny, ye good?" He nodded, the liar.
"Yer blaggin' me 'ead Len," he shrugged a little, you pulled him into a kiss, his strong hands drifted down your body. "Just stressed, better now though love," he turned around to see Paul standing next to an anxious man waving him on, "Tha's me cue sunshine," he did a little wave and ran over.
You grinned a little as he ran onto the stage. They talked with Sullivan for while, John's gaze occasionally catching yours, his eyes lighting up when they did. They got up on stage and played their set, doing wonderfully. On the last song he did something you weren't expecting, "On this last song, I wanna invite up someone very special to me up, my beautiful wife and light of my life, Y/n L/n,"
You timidly made your way way upstage as he waved you on and he hugged you. Time flew as you sang with them. By the time you got back to your hotel room you where exhausted. You both got in and laid on the bed together, "God I smell awful," you laughed as he ran a hand up your back, gently kissing your neck, "Ye always smell good," he mumbled sleepily, "I'mma shower Len,"
He made a noise of complaint as you grabbed a t-shirt of his and went into the bathroom. He eventually got up and moved around the room a little. As his eyes moved across the desk he saw a sealed letter written on hotel stationary.
His curiosity got the best of him and he opened it, it read,
" And then that guy comes, it doesn't matter how far from you he is. he'll come. Whether it's by coincidence, fate or mistake; it matters not. What matters is that he comes.
If it's by chance I believe this is the most beautiful thing that ever could've happened to you . . If it's destiny yo have such a strong red string that it may never break. If it's by mistake, you've made the most fabulous mistake of your life.
He just appears in front of your eyes. No joke. He has so much desire within him to be known as unbreakable. In reality he only seeks affection. You could wait for him for hours, listen to his voice forever. Music to you ears it is. Those eyes. Damn. They create an unimaginably beautiful maze you'll get trapped in. You'll never want to be found.
And then....Well then he smiles and your screwed. You liked him before, but now, now you're in love. You're obsessed with seeing that smile.The smile that'll be your sun by day and your stars by night. Open arms, home, refuge, life. Just his name, his name is enough to fill your heart with joy.
I love you John,
Y/n L/n, "
The shower had turned off, john looked up from the hotel stationary in his hands. The corners of his mouth upturned, tears running down his face, escaping his enrapture pensive eyes. Bittersweet tears. A million things ran through his head, he never thought anyone would write him something like that. As far as he was concerned, he'd never deserved it.
The bathroom door opened, steam filled the air; he shuffled to make it look like he hadn't opened your letter. "Johnny, wha' was tha'?" he turned his back towards you and bit his lip attempting to hide his tears from you fruitlessly, "Everything's fab love," he cooed softly.
You sighed and walked slowly towards him and wrapped your arms gently around him from the back, nuzzling your head into his neck, "Len," his body shifted towards you, pulling you close to his chest, "I love ye so much," he whispered quietly, "I didn't think anyone would ever care 'nough to write something like tha' for me," you leaned in to kiss him, your lips gently meeting his with tenderly placid touch, "Ye found the letter then didn't ye?" he only nodded.
A solicitous grin spread over your features, "Come lay with me love," you mumbled bashfully, "He leaned, your lips softly touching his, then pushing against you with more force. You backed over to the bed and laid down. He laid with his auburn head against your bosom, his hips between your legs. You just laid there quietly until you both fell asleep. Running your fingers gently through his soft mop of hair. No more words where necessary. Perhaps only the words not meant for your eyes.

And He Loves You: Beatles One shots and imagines
FanfictionThe name says it all. I'll take requests if you'd like. #1McCartney as of August 8, 2020.