So... How dya feel about cows?

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   "Scotland," he said rather sure of himself, you looked bewildered, "Scotland?" he nodded once more, "I'm not sure you'll like it but I think it'll be great fun and I'm tired of London," once more you asked, "Scotland?" and he repeated himself once more, "Yes me dear, Scotland," you looked bewildered for a moment longer, then it turned to anger, further endearment, and finally you started laughing, loudly.

    He wasn't sure whether to be upset or not but he began laughing too, "Scotland! Okay let's bloody move to Scotland Paulie!" you giggled, not sure what else to do with yourself. He cheered and spun you round,"Yes!! It'll be so great you don't even know!" the creases of his hazy eyes folding, his eyes filling up with love and joy. 

     "We can finally start our family Y/n!" you laughed harder, your face flushing  sliding a hand over your stomach, "Yeah about that," he went wide eyed tackle hugging you onto the bed, "I'm gonna be a daddy?!" he yelled excitedly, "Yep! And yer gonna be covered in vomit if ye don't stop bouncing on me!" he smiled and slid to the side holding you to his chest. You laid quietly, soaking in his warmth, his presence, listening to his breathing until he finally asked........

  "So... How dya feel about cows?"

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