Hey! I already did one a little bit like this so sorry but in tiredness me not a brilliant writer k? Please request! It's greatly appreciated. Peace and love xoxo~~ Pineapple McCartney
You held his hand tightly, praying he'd make it, he looked up at you with a weak and pale face, a defeated look in his once brilliant and defiant eyes. You tried to hold tears in, but you knew it was too late, the fire'd gone out, your Johnny was saying goodbye and you couldn't bare it. "Please don't go," you whispered and kissed the knuckles of his slim hand, "I'm sorry my love," he whispered quietly as his hazel eyes got cloudier, still brighter than most.
"John Winston Lenon! Get back here right now!" You yelled as you chased the small boy down the hillside near your house, "Never Y/n!" He cackled, "Charles is mine now!" You ran as fast as you could, Which was not that fast, but your little five year old legs tried. You finally caught up to him and thrust yourself forward with all your might and knocked into him, throwing you both down the side of the grassy hill.
You tumbled down, both screaming and giggling profusely, at the bottom of the hill you luckily landed on top of him, "Haha I win!" You declared gleefully, ripping the slightly lopsided teddy bear out of his hands. He groaned and responded in an annoyed voice, "Atlest he told me that I'm the better one," you gasped, thoroughly offended at the thought of Charles having said that, "He did not poop head!" You shouted, "Did too," John giggles as you smacked him in the face with the bear.
You got off of him and laid beside him in the grass, looking up at the sky and taking in the setting sun, "Do you think that the sun is made out of cheese? Or is that just the moon," John inquired thoughtfully, "No, that's just the moon, the sun's actually made out of stars, mommy said that," you replied completely sure of yourself, "Oh, well I guess that makes sense,"
"John," you said quietly, "Yeah?" "You're my best friend Y'know," you told him in a serious tone, "Promise?" He asked, you nodded your head and said, "Yeah, I promise till the ends of forever, okey?" He looked at you happily, a truly boyish glint in his eye, "Good, because that's a long time you know," you nodded again, "Yeah I know," just then you heard a voice calling your name, "I've gotta go," you sighed, " Yeah me too probably," he grumbled, you parted ways to your houses and as you ran you heard him yell, "I love you till the ends of forever y/n!"
You stood at the top of the grassy hill, waiting to John to meet you as planned, it was a little past six and getting chilly, you sat on the damp grass and pulled your long coat over your knees and waited. A moment longer and you heard thunderous footsteps towards you, then a plop. You turned to see fifteen year old John, with a cheeky smile on his face, "Sorry I'm late love, but you'll never guess what happened!" He spat, out of breath.
"What John? Tell me!" You said, happy to see him in such a good mood, he'd hardly smiled since George had passed away last year, "Me mum bought me a guitar!" He said exitedly, "Wow John that's great! Do you know how to play?" You questioned, "Well... No, but as soon as I do I'm starting a band! We'll ne bigger than Elvis, I know it!" He said and pumped a fist in the air excitedly.
You couldn't help but smile seeing him so happy and excited, he was so soft and sweet, but the rest of the world rarely saw it, and people don't believe what they can't see. His energetic eyes met your soft ones, you couldn't help but feel your stomach turning a bit, "Hey Y/n?" You smiled and quietly replied, "Yeah Johnny?" He sighed and whispered, "I love you, not just like a friend or a sister, I really love you y/n,"
You smiled and leaned forward a bit, pressing your soft lips against his, running a hand through his hair, "Oh good," he replied with a goofy smile after the kiss had been broken, "I love you till the ends of forever," you whispered as he wrapped and arm around you, " I love you till the ends of forever y/n," he replied quietly as you laid your head on his leather clad shoulder.
You walked along the sidewalk close to your house, something was wrong with John, he hadn't been at school, hasn't answered your many calls and nobody even answered when you knocked on the door of Julia's apartment. You sighed heavily as you walked up onto the porch of your house, turning to see the misty hill, and to your delight, there he was. You dropped your backpack on the porch and ran down the hill, not so gracefully sliding next to him on the wet grass.
You turned to see his face, and much to your dismay, he was crying, you'd never seen John cry before. You wrapped your arms around him, holding his waist tightly and whispered, "Johnny?" He choked out a sob, the whispered a barley audible, "Juila," you felt tears building up in your on eyes as well, "Oh god John, I'm so so sorry," you whispered into his chest. He held you close and whispered, " I love you y/n," "I love you till the ends of forever," you breathed into his chest.
You where walking home from work after a long day, as you walked you saw the figure of John charging at you, getting closer and closer, you braced yourself for impact. He ran up to you and swept you up into his arms, sliding down into the top of the grassy hill and kissing you abruptly, "Well that's one way to say hello," you laughed as he squeezed you, "Hamburg Y/n! We're going to Hamburg!" He shouted happily as he did loud, "You mean you and the boys?" You asked excitedly.
"Yes! Can you believe it!" He shouts excitedly once again, "Thats so amazing Johnny!" You beamed, "It's actually happening," he sighed , your eyes met his and they suddenly seemed a little meloncholy, "What's wrong Len?" you asked as he kissed the top of youe head gently, "Well I just realozed how bloody much I'm gonna miss ye," he mummbled as he pulled youe a little closer, "I'll wrote every day Johnny, we can talk on the phone sometimes, and maybe I can even visit. I've been working a lot y'know," he nodded and kissed you gently, as if youd break if he were'nt careful, "I love you y/n, till the ends of forever," he whispered happily, "Till the ends of forever," you replied, laying into his warm chest, you savored the moment, knowing there weren't too many like it.
"And I promise you, that I'll always be by your side, Till the ends of forever," he finished, "You may now kiss the bride," the minister cheered, and leaning in, he kissed you, not for the first, or the last time, but it meant the world to you and him both, you broke apart and music began to play as a cue for you to walk down the isle once more, "Till the ends of forever my love," you whispers happily, "Till the ends," he replied with a soft chuckle.
You laid back on the hospital bed, more exhausted than you knew to be possible, John by your side, holding little Jude in his arms, "I can't believe you did it my love," he whispered his eyes brimming with tears, as he held the little baby close to his face, "He's beautiful," you whispered as John handed him to you, letting your new son rest on your chest, "I love him," John replied as he laid down next to you.
He gently wrapped his arms around your sides and squeezed you, softly yet full of love, "You're the best woman to ever walk the earth," he whispered, "I love you John," You replied, "I love you both, till the ends of forever," he whispered softly and kissed your son's head.
You cried softly as you watched him take his last breaths, it was the end wasn't it? "Please John don't go," you sobbed softly holding his hand to your face, "Hey, don't cry, okey? Smile for me, promise to show your beautiful smile," he whispered, you smiled through the tears at him, shaking a bit, tears streaming down your face, but smiling all the same.
"I love you so much y/n, I really do," he whispered kissing your hand and breathing out a forced breath, "I love you John," you said quietly, he smiled one last time and whispered, "Till the ends of forever y/n," you held him close and cried," No Johnny please," he just smiled and said, "Yeah," before closing his eyes one last time.
Till the ends of forever...

And He Loves You: Beatles One shots and imagines
FanfictionThe name says it all. I'll take requests if you'd like. #1McCartney as of August 8, 2020.