🌹glass house🌹

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"Won't you love me now, fucking love me now"

Millie's eyes drifted open, the smell of Finns cologne filled the air of his tent walls.

She felt around...he wasn't there, her eyes squinted as she gazed around the tent...no one...where was he ?

She climbed up from the bed noticing his clothes no longer lay on the floor and were gone.

Her head filled with confusion as she left the tent searching everywhere for his raven curls..but she couldn't see him.

"Jack !"
She blurted as she saw his face

"Yeah ?"
He grunted walking towards her

"Have you seen finn ?"
She asked her head slightly tilted

"He's in the woods, smoking..."
Jack responded confused as to why she didn't know.

She uttered before walking off in the direction of the woods.

As she got closer she could hear his deep voice mumble in the trees.

She squinted her face when she heard a females voice to.

She slowly walked towards where he was, sitting in the abandoned car...not alone...she hid behind a tree peeking to see just who the girl was...the blonde one...from yesterday.

Millie didn't know what to think...he said he liked her...he wouldn't do anything to hurt her...would he ?

She listened quietly there conversation was muffled by the breeze of the wind in the trees but she could hear clearly what he said next.

"I don't date...it was a one time thing"

Millie's heart dropped...

She didn't know if he meant it...

But as she peered around the tree to see Finns lips upon the blonde girls, she knew he did.

Her eyes whelped with tears as she ran off not caring about how loud she was.

Finn had woken up that morning with the beautiful brunette beside him...the feeling of her in his arms felt incredible.

But something made him not want it..

He got up, putting his clothes that were dashed around the floor back onto his body.

He wasn't sure why he couldn't be there for her waking up...he just didn't want to be.

As he sat in the abandoned car his lips held a cigarette, he sat in silence listening to the trees blow in the wind,not a body in sight...until..

A voice proclaimed from the passengers side

Finn turned to see lilia...peering through the broken window.

He responded in a confused tone

"Mind if I join"
She muttered

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