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"Isn't it strange how people can change"

"From strangers to friends, friends into lovers....then strangers again"


Millie woke in a bed unknown to her, Sophia's short red hair tickling Millie's nose as the girl basically lay flat like a Star fish taking up all the space.

Millie knew she had school today but honestly she thought of dropping out, she couldn't focus on anything at the moment....it wasn't her rebellious side this time and rather a new feeling a feeling of constant emptiness like something is missing in her misplaced life..

Millie carefully shifted away from Sophia's sleeping head and stood up feeling her toes intertwine in something fluffy but rough, Wyatts hair...he must've slept on the floor so Millie could have the bed and how does she repay him, a head full of toes...

She stepped over the unconscious body making her way towards the bathroom or at least what she thought was the bathroom. Lucky enough it was and as she entered and locked the door behind her she let out a great sigh sitting down onto the toilet to take a long awaited and held back pee.

She thought about her conversation with Finn...how she stuttered her words instead of just saying what she had to...she felt like an idiot, a total and complete idiot.


Finns head was bouncing as he woke the sun shone through the splits in his eye lids blinding him half to death, beside him lay a girl with blonde hair and lightly tanned skin...

But she had all her clothes on and Finn still wore his pants...

He remembered that he couldn't sleep with her. He remembered the heart ache of leaving his house with Millie still inside...

And now she had completely stopped him from having fun with any other girl, because all he could think about was her...

Finn sighed rubbing his eyes then dragging his hand backwards over the top of his hair he reluctantly stood to his feet then made his way towards the exit.

The house was filled with passed out teens, rubbish and empty bottles...

Good luck cleaning this

Finn thought as he stepped outside the front door and made his way back to his own house but when he got there both the front and back door were locked and his parents cars were gone, which meant he was locked out and the weather wasn't exactly roasting hot.

He shivered and quivered for a few moments before a idea sprung into his mind

Once Millie had finished in the bathroom she went back to Sophia's room and was surprised to find they were still asleep considering they had school, but Millie didn't mind some company.


Millie groaned realising she left her only hair tie in the bathroom. She rushed back to get it although she couldn't seem to locate it as easy as she figured she would, the only thing that brought her away from her intense search was the locking of the bathroom door behind her.

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