🎃monster mash🎃

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"They did the mash, they did the monster mash"
Because of the delayed real ease I rushed the end of the story so it's more like a summary because I've not had enough time to finish it and Halloween's past now, sorry guys x

October 29th 2019

"Where are you going after dinner sweet heart ?"

Millie's mum asked confused as her daughter already had her jacket and shoes on.

"Just to see Sophia"

Millie lied a large smirk across her face as she snuggled into her coat further and took a bite of the pasta she had placed infront of her.

"Well I'm working late tonight so I might not be home when you come back,so take the keys"

Her mum added digging into her own dinner

After Millie's bowl sat empty from her practically stuffing it in piece after piece she got up picking up the house keys and saying goodbye to her mum before walking out the door and falling into full crazy bitch mode.
She caught a bus which was going to marsh villa the streets were darkening as the street lamps blurred together into a quick line of light .
When the final stop came Millie thanked the driver and stepped off the door hissing shut behind her like she was Neil Armstrong taking the first step on the moon, her spaceship behind her ready to pull her away and leave her alone on a unknown planet....

She gazed at her phone which just so happened to have iris's location confirmed on it

Stupid snap maps

Millie thought sniggering to herself as the girl had been active 2 minutes ago and was definitely still at the location, the location she figured was a party since everyone she had on Snapchat was basically there apart from the non snobby group.
It began to rain heavier with every footstep Millie took and by the time she got to the party she was drenched and almost disoriented.
The door was already open and as she stepped up the stairs and glared into the house some would say she looks like a psychotic serial killer on her next killing spree.

She walked in not feeling too out of place until she noticed everyone was dressed in Gucci and overly expensive everything so along with her cheap second hand clothes and her drenched hair she kinda began to feel inadequate

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She walked in not feeling too out of place until she noticed everyone was dressed in Gucci and overly expensive everything so along with her cheap second hand clothes and her drenched hair she kinda began to feel inadequate.

She pulled her red hood down the water dropping from her as she did, she gazed around through the drunken bodies dancing and laughing music playing that Millie would just plain call


Then her eyes caught onto her, the blonde haired girl danced like everyone else red lipstick on her crude lips that spilled such horrible words. She was laughing as she basically dry humped some posh looking boy that only angered Millie more as she thought of how she would ruin that boys life as well.

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