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Groupchat names:
Clementine: Orange🍊
Louis: PianoBoy🎹
Marlon: MulletMan
James: Jamiee
Violet: Vi💜
Mitch: BombBaby💣
Ruby: Rubie🌹
Aasim: Sims
Willy: Wonka
Brody: BeachBabe🏝
Gabe: GabeyBaby
Mariana: Mari

Orange🍊 has added PianoBoy🎹 , MulletMan, Jamiee, Vi💜, BombBaby💣, Rubie🌹, Sims, Wonka, BeachBabe🏝, GabeyBaby and Mari to the chat.

XOXO Gossip Girl:
PianoBoy🎹: Loving the group name
Orange🍊: Thanks it took me so long to think of🤷🏻‍♀️
MulletMan: I'm scared
Vi💜: Why tho😶
MulletMan: Haven't you ever been in a Groupchat with Louis?? He's so annoying, my phone goes off every minute with a text from him or a selfie on Snapchat🙄
PianoBoy🎹: In my defense I'm just a very open person and like to share what I'm doing in my day to day life😰
Orange🍊: Awh how cute😩
GabeyBaby: Oh are you two dating?Ahaha🙂
PianoBoy🎹: We're actually married
Rubie🌹: Congrats y'all
Orange🍊: Our wedding is in 3 days, be there or be square 💒
Mari: I'm definitely coming I love weddings. I call dibs on being your bridesmaid!
Jamiee: Hey I thought I was your bridesmaid😨
Orange🍊: You both can. You too Vi, Brody and Ruby😂
Vi💜: I'm good
Orange🍊: Rude😰
Rubie🌹: Don't worry Clem I'll be your bridesmaid❤️
BeachBabe🏝: Me too!
MulletMan: Louis anything you wanna ask me?
PianoBoy🎹: No? What?
MulletMan: You Know....Anything you want me to do for you..?
PianoBoy🎹: Oh I get it! Yeah I mean you could give me a back rub and get me a Fiji water that would be great😃
MulletMan: Dude I meant asking me to be your best man😔
Sims: What about me?
PianoBoy🎹: Aasim and Marlon you can both be my best men🥳
Wonka: Hey! What about me? I'm the only one not doing anything😔
BombBaby💣: And me! Wtf?
Orange🍊: Uhm Willy can be the....priest
Wonka: Awesome!
BombBaby💣: And me?
Orange🍊: Mitch you do the fireworks
BombBaby💣: Sweet!
Jamiee: Where is the wedding
Orange🍊: Louis's back yard
PianoBoy🎹: What? Why my back yard?
Orange🍊: Because you're rich and have an enormous back yard🤷🏻‍♀️😂
PianoBoy🎹: Guess I gotta go get a tuxedo
Orange🍊: And I need to go dress shopping! Brody, Ruby, Mari, Vi you coming?
BeachBabe🏝: Definitely! Dibs picking out the bridesmaid dresses!
Rubie🌹: For sure! I'm in!
Mari: Already ordered the Uber☺️
Vi💜: Ugh I guess if I have to😑
Orange🍊: YASSS! Let's go girlies!

*Orange🍊, BeachBabe🏝, Rubie🌹, Mari and Vi💜 have left the chat*

GabeyBaby: Wow all I asked was if you guys were dating and now your getting married?😕
PianoBoy🎹: What can I say dude? The ladies can't pass up the Lou charm😏
MulletMan: Yeah I'm sure it works on all the girls🙄
Jamiee: Worked on me😉
PianoBoy🎹: What
MulletMan: What
GabeyBaby: What
Wonka: What
Sims: What
BombBaby💣: What
Jamiee: What
PianoBoy🎹: Night

*PianoBoy🎹 has left the chat*

Jamiee: Oops

THAT WAS THE FIRST PART! Haven't seen too many of these the walking dead game Groupchat things so I thought I'd make one🤷🏻‍♀️Hope you enjoyed it😊

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