XOXO Gossip Girl: Jamiee: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE🤠 GabeyBaby: I'm so excited😫 PianoBoy🎹: Guys look what my parents got me for my Christmas Eve presents
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Jamiee: Oh my god Orange🍊: You got all that AND you're getting a Ferrari PianoBoy🎹: Well these are presents from my parents, the Ferrari is from Santa Claus MulletMan: Has no one had the talk with him yet? Vi💜: Santa's not real Mari✨: Vi don't just tell him like that PianoBoy🎹: What do you mean?? Yes he is! How would your parents travel around the world in one night huh? Vi💜: Your parents just buy the presents and leave them under the tree dumb bitch PianoBoy🎹: Well 1: A Ferrari wouldn't fit under a tree and B: How would my parents be able to hide a Ferrari from me?! Vi💜: They're probably keeping it in one of their other houses. You have like 10 houses Jamiee: Are we just gonna ignore the fact that Louis said 1 then B? Orange🍊: My favorite house that Louis has is his one in the Hampton's😍The pool is amazing Jamiee: No the one in Beverly Hills is better. Have you seen the size of the cinema?! Vi💜: I just can't wait until Louis gets bored of his Ferrari and wants a Lamborghini instead MulletMan: Get a Tesla instead if you get bored of the Ferrari PianoBoy🎹: Being rich does not define who I am Orange🍊: Yeah, Louis is the funniest, most caring, sweetest guy I know❤️ Jamiee: You forget richest guy as well. Seriously is there anything you don't have?! PianoBoy🎹: Uh I actually don't know Jamiee: You have a 110 inch flat screen tv in your bedroom, a grand king sized bed, an Xbox, a PlayStation, a Nintendo switch, an iMac, a MacBook Pro, AirPods, the iPhone XR, an iPad and now you're getting a Ferrari PianoBoy🎹: Well when you put it like that....you make it sound like I'm spoiled Vi💜: Well at least you're not snobby PianoBoy🎹: Since we decided to not do Secret Santa since Mitch, Willy, Ruby and Aasim are all on Christmas vacation, I bought you all presents😁 Jamiee: REALLY?! WHAT IS IT? PianoBoy🎹: They should all be arriving at your houses in 5 minutes😏 Orange🍊: Louis you are literally the sweetest person ever omg tell me anything you want and I'll get you it PianoBoy🎹: I can think of something😗 Vi💜: EW LOUIS KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS PianoBoy🎹: I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING Jamiee: Just don't get pregnant Orange🍊: I swear you say that every time😂 MulletMan: Lets be real if James was a girl he would definitelyyyyy be pregnant now Vi💜: Facts Jamiee: You're probably right ngl Mari✨: THE DOORBELL JUST RANG I THINK ITS OUR PRESENTS GABE GabeyBaby: YES Jamiee: I'm gonna go wait by the door for mine omg Vi💜: Same I'm actually excited😏 MulletMan: Me too Louis is a really good gift giver. I know from experience Mari✨: BYE GUYS GabeyBaby: ADÍOS Jamiee: Chao Vi💜: See ya MulletMan: So long Orange🍊: Bye Bye my Louuu PianoBoy🎹: Toodles gang
*Mari✨, GabeyBaby, Vi💜, MulletMan, Orange🍊 and PianoBoy🎹 have left the chat*
Jamiee: WAIT GUYS I HEAR SOMETHING AT MY CHIMNEY Jamiee: Oh you're already gone BUT STILL IM FREAKING OUT LIKE PAPI CLAUS IS REAL Jamiee: Waitttt never mind it was a bird🙁
*Jamiee has left the chat*
Updateee😉I hope you all enjoyed that👀I'd like to do an upload schedule but I know I'll literally never stick to it but I think from now on the days I'll upload are Wednesday and Friday. I mightn't stick to those days but I guess we'll see🤠😎