XOXO Gossip Girl: Orange🍊: Hey Brody did Marlon ask you to homecoming yet? BeachBabe🏝: Aasim was right. He gave me a stick of gum with 'Homecoming?' Written on it. Sims: BAHAHA TOLD YOU SO😂 MulletMan: Hey I thought it was cute😞 Jamiee: Brody if I were you I would have said no PianoBoy🎹: Poor Marlon. Not his fault he has no romantic charm like me MulletMan: Hey I have romantic charm! Just not for stupid Homecoming proposals🙄 Jamiee: Bishhh they aren't stupid, they're STUPID CUTE Orange🍊: I'm so excited for homecoming😍I need to buy a dress! Mari✨: Omg me too! Vi💜: I'm wearing sneakers period. Rubie🌹: I need to buy a dress too but I mean Aasim hasn't asked me yet😡 Sims: There
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PianoBoy🎹: Well height difference is accurate Rubie🌹: Louis🙄And yes I'll be your sunshine at homecoming❤️ Jamiee: Awhhhhhhh😩😩 Mari✨: It would be ten times cuter if it was real but it's still hella cute Jamiee: Guyssss😩 Orange🍊: Jamessss yessss?😩 Jamiee: I don't have a date for homecoming😢 Mari✨: GO WITH GABE OMG Orange🍊: OMG HIGH KEY THEY'D BE CUTE TOGETHER Jamiee: UHMMMM IDK Vi💜: SO YOU'RE CONSIDERING IT?! Jamiee: Idk maybe minus his personality he's kinda cute PianoBoy🎹: Hahahhahaha. That's funny Jamiee: How rude PianoBoy🎹: I'm cute. He's a troll BeachBabe🏝: Yeah he's got a flat ass Mari✨: Ok look I know Gabe's annoying but when you get to know him he's alright. I'm sure he'll go with you James MulletMan: Well it's either him or Mitch Jamiee: Andddd Gabe is the lucky winner! Mari✨: Mitch isn't that bad..... Orange🍊: NO WAY! YOU LIKE MITCH! Mari✨: OK SO HE MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE ASKED ME TO HOMECOMING BeachBabe🏝: OMG NO WAY HOLY COW HOLY MOLY HOLY HELL HOLY HECK HOLY CHALUPAS HOLY ROLLY PianoBoy🎹: Wow we all have dates! Me and Clem, Marlon and Brody, Mari and Mitch, Aasim and Ruby and James and Gabe! Oh wait. Violet Vi💜: Ha ha funny Lou😑 Orange🍊: Well you know what we can share Louis Jamiee: Yeah we can share Gabe Rubie🌹: Yeah and Aasim Mari✨: And Mitch BeachBabe🏝: And Marlon! Vi💜: Yeah I'm gay so I'd rather go solo Rubie🌹: Oh well then you can share me Sims: No😢 Jamiee: Awhhh Aasim how cute PianoBoy🎹: Me and Marlon yesterday when we FaceTimed❤️
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MulletMan: That was you not me. I looked good Orange🍊: Louis is just so preciousssss Jamiee: Yeah Ugh Clem I wanna steal your man😩 Orange🍊: A picture of Louis right before he sneezed😍😂
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PianoBoy🎹: Excuse me when was this taken? Jamiee: I think I'm pregnant omg😍🤤 MulletMan: Ugly ass Vi💜: Damn right😂 PianoBoy🎹: Hey I'm hot Jamiee: Yeah he is🤤😍 Orange🍊: Yeah he is😍❤️Also James back off Mari✨: I think this is a good time for us all to leave the groupchat Sims: Good call
*MulletMan, Sims, Vi💜, Rubie🌹, Mari✨, Orange🍊, PianoBoy🎹, Jamiee and BeachBabe🏝 have left the chat*