XOXO Gossip Girl: PianoBoy🎹: MERRY FREAKING CRIMBO BITCHES Jamiee: THANK YOU LOUIS FOR MY NEW IPHONE XR WTF GabeyBaby: I KNOW OMG Mari✨: I'm using it right now and I'm obsessed😫 Orange🍊: Thank you Louis for the phone and also for my bracelet😫😍❤️ Jamiee: Hold the frick up. He got you a bracelet too?! Orange🍊: Yah he got me a Chanel bracelet Jamiee: Louis what about me?? PianoBoy🎹: I got Clem a bracelet too because she's my girlfriend😎 Jamiee: James will remember that MulletMan: Did everyone get what they wanted off your parents? Oop I mean Santa? PianoBoy🎹: YES LOOK AT MY NEW BABY
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Jamiee: OH M GEE MulletMan: That's sexy Orange🍊: Excuse me?😡 MulletMan: I mean the car is sexy not Louis PianoBoy🎹: Mmmhmmm sureee😎 Mari✨: My dad ordered people to come in and put snow in our backyard since it didn't snow this year Jamiee: IM ON MY WAY OVER TF GabeyBaby: He did?? Since when? How did I not hear him doing it?! PianoBoy🎹: Because Santa is magical bitch Jamiee: Seriously again with this whole Santa thing? Did you make him cookies too?! PianoBoy🎹: 😬 Jamiee: You actually made him cookies? PianoBoy🎹: Yeah I don't understand why I'm being attacked Orange🍊: Yeah guys come on it's cute! I made cookies and left out milk and carrots too! MulletMan: Yeah because you have a 5 year old brother. Louis' brother is 20 and is already moved out PianoBoy🎹: Actually my mom is pregnant MulletMan: REALLY PianoBoy🎹: Yeah she told me last night when she gave me the Gucci, the Louis Vuitton, the Lacoste, the Dior, the Calvin Klein, the- Jamiee: OKAY LOUIS WE GET IT YOU'RE RICH
*Vi💜 has joined the chat*
Vi💜: Hey what's going on PianoBoy🎹: I got my Ferrari Vi💜: Wanna trade? I'll take your Ferrari you take my hover board PianoBoy🎹: No thanks I already have 3 hover boards Vi💜: Fine then we'll see who makes it faster to school then PianoBoy🎹: Definitely me. Your hover board is no match for my Ferrari Vi💜: Oh we'll see about that Lewis PianoBoy🎹: ITS LOUIS NOT LEWIS Jamiee: GUYS ITS CHRISTMAS BE JOLLY Mari✨: Yeah try giving each other a compliment PianoBoy🎹: Ok Vi. You have a very nice nose Orange🍊: Hey what about my nose?😰 PianoBoy🎹: Your nose is my favorite nose Clem❤️ MulletMan: I can't tell if that's cute or just weird Vi💜: Okay Louis...hmmm...You have nice hands Orange🍊: EXCUSE ME?! Vi💜: NOT LIKE THAT I MEANT BECAUSE HE PLAYS THE PIANO OMFG Jamiee: MMMMHHHMMM I'M SURE YOU DID. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WE GOT EM' GabeyBaby: I'm dead😂 Vi💜: I swear to god y'all are the most annoying rats ever Jamiee: THERES A RATTTTT. THERES A MF RATTTTT Vi💜: ... PianoBoy🎹: ... GabeyBaby: ... Orange🍊: ... Mari✨: ... MulletMan: ... Jamiee: Oh come on you guys don't know that video????
*Vi💜, PianoBoy🎹, GabeyBaby, Orange🍊, Mari✨ and MulletMan have left the chat*
Jamiee: Ok y'all this is like the TWENTY MILLIONTH TIME THIS HAS HAPPENED. I am sick of this. It's Christmas and y'all be leaving me on read? Smh Jamiee: Wait that last bit rhymed😄 Jamiee: Oh no ones here😑
*Jamiee has left the chat*
Wow I'm actually sticking to my upload schedule oooooo. Let's see if I actually upload on Friday though haha. Hope you guys enjoyedddd❤️