XOXO Gossip Girl: PianoBoy🎹: Hóla como estás MulletMan: No hablo de español PianoBoy🎹: Soy el baño Orange🍊: Lou babe, that means 'I am the bathroom' PianoBoy🎹: Ohhhh that's why I only scored 25% on my Spanish test today Mari✨: Aye díos mío Jamiee: Ok can we like stop speaking Spanish Vi💜: How did we all get here? Jamiee: Uhm well Clem made a groupchat and added us all and we all started talking Vi💜: No I mean like all of us friends. We're all so different Orange🍊: Well the first person I met here was Mari. It was 1st grade and I had no friends and I saw Mari sitting alone so I sat beside her and we had an argument about if Suit Life On Deck or Wizards Of Waverly Place was better. Now here we are Mari✨: Omg I remember that😂And it's obviously Suit Life On Deck Orange🍊: No Wizards Of Waverly Place is better😂 BeachBabe🏝: I remember half way through 1st grade me, Brody, Clem and Mari all became besties because we all loved Shake it up😂 Orange🍊: Omg I remember I was Rocky and Brody was Cece because I had dark hair and Brody had red hair😂 Rubie🌹: Omg then Violet was the new girl in elementary school and we made friends with her because our teacher told us to😂 Vi💜: Wait Ms.Martin told you to make friends with me😢 BeachBabe🏝: Yeah sorry Vi PianoBoy🎹: And then I remember I saw Clem and fell in love instantly and we got together in second grade Orange🍊: Yeah that's not how it happened Lou😂We had a huge fight because Ms.Martin sat us beside each other and I didn't wanna sit beside you because you were annoying😂 MulletMan: Yeah but secretly Louis had a huge crush on you. He told me, Aasim and Mitch everything😂 Orange🍊: Awhh. I mean I didn't start liking you until the fourth grade when you wrote me a cute Valentine's Day card. I think I still have it😂 PianoBoy🎹: Please don't send it😩 Orange🍊:
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Jamiee: No way! Louis made that?😩 PianoBoy🎹: Well my mom helped me but...yeah... Jamiee: THATS THE CUTEST SHIT EVER Orange🍊: I KNOW RIGHT😩😩 Rubie🌹: Wow Louis has been romantic since he was 11 and Aasim isn't even romantic now😑 Sims: Well I for one think that's cringy Jamiee: Uhm..is you blind? That's the cutest thing ever like what PianoBoy🎹: I remember when me and Marlon met😏 MulletMan: Dude don't Jamiee: Oooo do tell PianoBoy🎹: We were in kindergarten and I had to use the bathroom and so my teacher brought me in and we heard crunching in the bathroom stall and our teacher opened the door and Marlon was sitting on the toilet eating a cracker😂 Jamiee: OMGG😂 BeachBabe🏝: Omg Marlon no way😂 MulletMan: Ha-dee-Freaking-Ha🙄 Orange🍊: Why can I see Marlon doing that now? MulletMan: I would not. If anyone was gonna do that now it would be Louis Vi💜: He's got a point😂 PianoBoy🎹: News flash: I don't even like crackers. They're too dry Jamiee: Louis hun you're supposed to put stuff ON the cracker. Like butter or cream cheese PianoBoy🎹: Since when? My whole life has been a lie! mAnDeLa AfFeCt Vi💜: So dramatic Sims: I can't believe Homecoming is tomorrow already Jamiee: Thank god Principle Hackett is letting me and Violet attend homecoming even tonight we're on detention😩 Vi💜: You're a lucky hoe. I would have slapped you silly Jamiee: I would have slapped you silly back😑 Mari✨: I know why James is so happy to go😏Gabe said yes to go with him😊 Orange🍊: OMG NO WAY Mari✨: YES WAY Jamiee: Calm the mother freaking down. We're not dating. Simply going as FRIENDS PianoBoy🎹: So no one told you life was gonna be this way👏🏻👏🏻Your jobs a joke you're broke, your love life's D.O.A
*Jamiee, MulletMan, Vi💜, Mari✨, BeachBabe🏝, Rubie🌹, Sims and Orange🍊have left the chat*
PianoBoy🎹: Y'all can't take a joke.
*PianoBoy🎹 has left the chat*
Heyy Guys! Sorry it's been like 3 days since I've uploaded but I've just had so much work in school and I've been so stressed between tests, presentations and so much homework😩I do try to upload as much as I can though but if I don't upload it's because I'm super stressed. Hope you enjoyed the chapter❤️