*2 weeks later*
XOXO Gossip Girl:
MulletMan: It's not Halloween till tomorrow
PianoBoy🎹: Don't try to put a damper on my favorite holiday
Jamiee: I love this time of year. I get to dress up as a sexy nurse and no one will question it
Vi💜: James I What-
PianoBoy🎹: I'm throwing a Halloween party tomorrow at mine and the entire grade is coming. It's a costume party so dress up
Orange🍊: But Louis! I thought we were gonna dress up as mummies and watch scary movies together with a butt load of candy and hand out candy to trick or treaters like we did last year😞
PianoBoy🎹: This year we can still dress up and spend Halloween with each other!....and the rest of our grade but it'll be just as fun
Orange🍊: Fine but we're matching costumes
Mari✨: Omg we should all do couples costumes!
BeachBabe🏝: Yes we are so doing that Marlon!
MulletMan: Depends What you want me to dress up as...😬
Jamiee: Gabe I just had an amazing idea! Let's be thing 1 and thing 2
GabeyBaby: From cat in the hat? Yeah we can buy the costumes today
Jamiee: Yay! I mean it's no sexy nurse but it's still cool
BombBaby💣: Haha Yeah no way
Mari✨: Yes way! I'm buying us the outfits so too late
BombBaby💣: Why can't we go dressed as bombs? That would be awesome
Mari✨: Sweetie, we're going as Barbie and Ken, periodt.
MulletMan: Alright Brody what are we dressing up as?
BeachBabe: Minnie and Mickey! That would be adorbs!
MulletMan: Alright, it could be worse
Sims: Ruby lets be Elastigirl and Mr Incredible!
Rubie🌹: Meh, sure why not
PianoBoy🎹: Clem what should we be? Spider-Man and Captain America?
Orange🍊: How about Cinderella and Prince Charming
PianoBoy🎹: I don't know if I'd fit into a gown
Orange🍊: No I'm Cinderella you're Prince Charming
PianoBoy🎹: Ohhhhh that makes more sense
Orange🍊: Ugh imagine Louis in a Prince Charming tuxedo😍🤤
Jamiee: Don't make a thirsty comment James, don't make a thirsty comment James....
GabeyBaby: Yeah you better not
Rubie🌹: What about you Vi? What are you and Minerva gonna be?
Vi💜: Oooo maybe Mario and Luigi
Jamiee: How cute omg
BeachBabe🏝: I'm so excited omg
PianoBoy🎹: Me too I'm obsessed with Halloween
MulletMan: We know. Remember in 3rd grade when we all went trick or treating? We had been out for 3 whole hours and you had three giant bags full of candy but you still wanted more
Vi💜: He was a spoiled brat. Still is
PianoBoy🎹: How rude
MulletMan: This is LouisPianoBoy🎹: Me? In Target? Never
Mari✨: Target is literally bomb, don't even start
BombBaby💣: Did someone say bomb?*Mari✨, PianoBoy🎹, Orange🍊, Sims, Rubie🌹, BeachBabe🏝, MulletMan, Vi💜, GabeyBaby and Jamiee have left the chat*
BombBaby💣: Tf?
BombBaby💣: See you at the party then
BombBaby💣: I'm showing up in a BOMB outfit😏
BombBaby💣: I've been hanging out with James too much omg*BombBaby💣 has left the chat*
Yayyyy two uploads in one day! Look at me snapping for a real one. Also I know it's not Halloween but I just thought how cute it would be if they all did couples costumes so I was like you know what it's Halloween. Next thing you know it'll be Christmas😂❤️