*Jamiee has added Orange🍊, PianoBoy🎹, Rubie🌹, Sims, BeachBabe🏝, MulletMan , Vi💜, Mari✨ and GabeyBaby to the chat*
Orange🍊: Ehhhh wtf? Vi💜: James what did we say about making new groupchats😡 Jamiee: Okay we can delete it after this! I just wanted to say Merry Christmas🥺 GabeyBaby: Awww Jamiee: Also I'v missed you guys. Ever since we've all graduated and gone off to college we barely see each other anymore😭 MulletMan: I know....LOUIS I MISS YOU BeachBabe🏝: WTF WHAT ABOUT ME MulletMan: Yeah I miss you too Brody....but LOUIS🥺We gotta meet up man PianoBoy🎹: I miss you too😭You know what, for the holidays me and Clem are flying back home to our families, we should all meet up! Rubie🌹: YES Sims: Ok period let's meet up🥂 Orange🍊: AYO 🔊🔊🔊 Me and Louis have an announcement Jamiee: YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED?! PianoBoy🎹: Close... Orange🍊: I'm pregnant🥺 Vi💜: OMG Mari✨: IM GONNA GO CRY BRB BeachBabe🏝: BAGSY BEING THE AUNTIE Jamiee: OH HELLLLL NAH IM BEING THE AUNTIE BeachBabe🏝: STFU JAMES YOU'RE NOT EVEN A WOMAN Jamiee: Shut up miss piggy looking ass Orange🍊: Guys!! Calm down. Brody you can be the auntie, James you can be the uncle MulletMan: Hold up MulletMan: IM LOUIS'S BEST FRIEND I SHOULD BE THE AUNTIE MulletMan: I MEAN UNCLE PianoBoy🎹: Yeah!! Marlon is the uncle. End of discussion Orange🍊: You all can be the aunts and uncles then sheesh👁👄👁 GabeyBaby: James would be such a good uncle Jamiee: OMG period poo😌 Jamiee: That baby is going to be spoiled with gifts by me Mari✨: Wait! What's the gender?! Orange🍊: We're gonna get all our friends and families together over Christmas and do a reveal PianoBoy🎹: Clem hasn't even told me the gender because she doesn't trust me with the secret😃 Vi💜: I don't blame her❤️ PianoBoy🎹: Thats it, you're officially uninvited to the gender reveal💔 Vi💜: I'll sneak in💅🏼 Jamiee: OMG period!! KC Undercover who? More like Violet Undercover Vi💜: Someone remove James from the chat Jamiee: Actually I made the chat so no one can remove me😝#admin Orange🍊: GUYS! My mom just sent me a picture of our tree at home! I can't wait to tell her and my dad that I'm pregnant😭
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Sims: DAMN THATS A BIG ASS TREE Jamiee: Papi Claus gonna be shook when he sees that tree Rubie🌹: You know who else is gonna be shook? Lee when he finds out Clem is pregnant at 19😳 PianoBoy🎹: OMG I forgot about Lee GabeyBaby: HAHAH good luck❤️ Orange🍊: Yeah he low key might kill Louis😳 Jamiee: I HAVE AN IDEA PianoBoy🎹: Spill!! Jamiee: So here's the plan; when Clem and Louis are breaking the news to Carley and Lee that Clem is pregnant, I'll quickly swoop in and start singing All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey Jamiee: I'll ask Mitch to make fireworks, I'll dress up, bring a microphone, I'll make sure it's a show stopping act and Lee will be so amazed he'll forget he was angry MulletMan: You really are stupid Jamiee: Watch your mouth you backstabbing toad, you'd scare the shit out of a toilet MulletMan: ASDFGHJK- Orange🍊: AND ON THAT NOTE...I think it's time we delete the groupchat Mari✨: Awww it was just getting entertaining😭 Orange🍊: I know I low key wanted them to keep going but the pregnancy cravings are kicking in👁👄👁 Orange🍊: Louis I'm craving a slurpie PianoBoy🎹: But the 7/11 is a half hour from our house😩 Orange🍊: I didn't ask you to tell me how far away it is, I asked for a slurpie😒 PianoBoy🎹: Coming right up dear MulletMan: How do you put up with the pregnancy moods Louis? PianoBoy🎹: Happy wife, happy life😃 PianoBoy🎹: Bye guys, see you at the gender reveal Jamiee: BYE LOU BEAR
*PianoBoy🎹 has left the chat*
Jamiee: Damn, shawty didn't say it back :( Orange🍊: Well...I guess this is where we say goodbye😭 Rubie🌹: Yep...I'm gonna miss you guys so much🥺 GabeyBaby: Me too😢 Jamiee: Remember guys...we're all only one call away❤️ Vi💜: Pack it up Charlie Puth💀 Jamiee: Vi stop ruining the moment Vi💜: Right sorry Vi💜: Imma miss you all so darn much Sims: I won't forget any of you❤️ BeachBabe🏝: Me either🥺💗 MulletMan: YOU GUYS ARE THE BESTEST FRIENDS EVER Jamiee: Awwww love you too Marlon MulletMan: Did James just say he loves me? Jamiee: Tis' the season to be jolly🎅🏻 Jamiee: That was your Christmas present by the way, don't expect anything else from me MulletMan: Well....it was still sweet of you I guess🥺 Orange🍊: So I'll see you all next week at the gender reveal?😃 Jamiee: OH YOU KNOW IT GIRL💅🏼 Rubie🌹: PERIOD BABY Vi💜: Hold on I thought we were being sad? Jamiee: Yeah we're happy now, jeez keep up Vi🙄
*Charlie👅💦 has joined the chat*
Charlie👅💦: Miss me?😈 Jamiee: EVERYBODY RUN!!
*Jamiee, Orange🍊, MulletMan, Sims, Rubie🌹, BeachBabe🏝, Mari✨, Vi💜 and GabeyBaby have left the chat*
Charlie👅💦: Damn I just came to say Merry Christmas :/
*Charlie👅💦 has left the chat*
LMAO HI. So I just wanted to update this as a little Christmas present to you guys! It's been a hard year for us all so I hope this made some people's days better💗The story is in fact over but this was just a little Christmas special. I hope you all enjoyed❤️Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I hope you're all keeping safe and well💗🎅🏻