Growing Up

780 27 14

XOXO Gossip Girl:
Jamiee: You know what? I love you guys😰
PianoBoy🎹: Are you drunk?
Jamiee: No but this groupchat is always us having a laugh (except when there's drama👀) but we never really say we love each other. For real guys I'd be lost with you all❤️
Rubie🌹: Awh James I'm gonna cry that's so sweet
Orange🍊: He's right though. I love you all so much. School would be literal torture without you guys
Mari: I know and we're graduating next year😓We're all gonna be going to different colleges
Jamiee: NO NO NO NO
Vi💜: I know it's sad but you gotta be strong James
Jamiee: Can we just all get mini jobs and buy a house together and pitch in with the rent?😢
PianoBoy🎹: Sorry dude no can do, me and Clem need our privacy
Orange🍊: Yeah sorry James. You can visit for the holidays though!
Jamiee: So you're telling me I have to go to college which is basically another few years of school but like 10 times worse because I'll have no friends, then I have to get a job somehow and make enough money to buy a house?? Hell nah
MulletMan: Actually when you put it like that it sounds really bad. I'm scared now omg😰
PianoBoy🎹: Wait me too😨
Vi💜: Louis stfu you're literally going to Yale and your parents are gonna buy you a house
PianoBoy🎹: Oh yeah. I feel better now thanks Vi🙂
Orange🍊: I really don't know what I want to do when I leave school
PianoBoy🎹: I'm gonna be a professional football player. Piano will be a side hobby
Jamiee: But I thought you loved piano?
PianoBoy🎹: I do but my parents don't want me to be a musician
MulletMan: I would say you should be a musician but I want you to be a football player with me sooooo
Jamiee: I'm taking over my dads restaurant. I make a mean Vegan Charcuterie😛
Vi💜: What even is that
Jamiee: You should all come in one day and try it. I'm amazing at cooking
Vi💜: I enjoy science so I think I might be a scientist
Rubie🌹: Wow I was just thinking of being a professional horse rider. All your jobs are cool😣
Sims: I'm gonna be an app developer. I'm pretty technical😎
Mari: I'm definitely being a lawyer
Jamiee: You'd make one hell of a lawyer Mari
Mari: Why, thank you☺️
GabeyBaby: I'm being a baseball player. My dad tried to get me into guns and being in the army but that's not for me. I really enjoy baseball
Jamiee: Oooo imagine Gabe coming home from a baseball game and me having my Vegan Charcuterie ready for him when he comes in😏
PianoBoy🎹: What and extraordinary story. Tell me when that actually happens
Jamiee: Oh I will
BeachBabe🏝: I'm being a lifeguard. I love the beach and I love helping people. It's the perfect job!
Orange🍊: Wow everyone has everything figured out. I have no idea what I want to do😣
PianoBoy🎹: Maybe you could be a model? I mean I could totally see you as a Victoria's Secret angel walking down the runway😉
Jamiee: You perv
PianoBoy🎹: Hey I'm just helping her out😌
Orange🍊: That's not a bad idea. Except I wouldn't be able to go down the runway because you have to be 5'9😑
PianoBoy🎹: Oh yeah I forgot you're short
Jamiee: Hey hey hey I'm 5'9 I could be a Victoria's Secret model😏
Vi💜: I thought you wanted to be a chef?
Jamiee: What can I say? I'm a good multitasker. Picture this: Me modeling down the runway, Gabe in the crowd cheering me on in his baseball uniform. After my show we go straight to his baseball game me cheering him on now. We then Uber home after a long night and I whip us up some of my famous Vegan Charcuterie😌
GabeyBaby: I can totally see that happening
Vi💜: Tbh me too
Orange🍊: Hey! We're talking about me here. I need some more job suggestions
Jamiee: How about being a history teacher? Like Lee? Ugh seeing him in class everyday🤤
Orange🍊: One: Stfu James and Two: I hate history
MulletMan: Maybe you could be a stay at home wife?
Orange🍊: Be a housewife? Stay home all day cleaning and cooking while Louis goes out and plays football?
PianoBoy🎹: No you wouldn't have to clean or cook that's what our maid will be for. You'll just have to look after our kids. I mean you're good with Aj so you'd be a good mom
Orange🍊: Won't that be boring though? Wash, rinse, repeat everyday
Mari: Don't worry Clem you'll figure it out
Orange🍊: I hope so
Jamiee: How about you all drop by my dads restaurant tonight? It's called El Restaurante Rivaz. I'll make you all the Vegan Charcuterie. That's all your guys's early Christmas presents
MulletMan: What is your obsession with that dish??
MulletMan: It probably isn't
Jamiee: Well you look like shit *drops mic* *nae naes out*

*Jamiee has left the chat*


*PianoBoy🎹, Orange🍊, Rubie🌹, Vi💜, MulletMan, BeachBabe🏝, Mari and GabeyBaby have left the chat*

Sims: Hey guys I'm back I was talking to my mom
Sims: Guys?
Sims: Oh you all left
Sims: Great now I'm a gone off Vegan Charcuterie😑

*Sims has left the chat*

Updatedddd☺️I made this one kind of long because I haven't uploaded for a couple of days and I was really in the mood to update now. I don't like uploading when I'm not in the mood because the chapter never turns out good and I like posting chapters that I enjoyed writing❤️Hope you all enjoyed it🥰

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