XOXO Gossip Girl:
Jamiee: Clemmmm what surprise did Louis do for you??
Orange🍊: Ok so I got to our schools football field and Louis was sitting underneath the score board on a picnic blanket with tons of food and on the score board instead of football scores it said 'Homecoming?'
Sims: How rude
Rubie🌹: Well then Aasim, anything you wanna ask me??
Sims: ??
Rubie🌹: Omg. Bye guys🙄*Rubie🌹 has left the chat*
Sims: What? What did I do?!
PianoBoy🎹: Dude she wanted you to ask her to homecoming
Sims: What? Why? We're already dating, it should be common sense that we're already going together
MulletMan: Ugh Aasim you've got a lot to learn about women👀
Vi💜: Not all girls like big romantic gestures. Some like it low key
PianoBoy🎹: Well Violet you would know wouldn't you? You're not exactly romantic yourself
Vi💜: I'd stop right there unless you want a broken nose for homecoming
Orange🍊: Well I for one love big romantic gestures
Mari✨: Me too! If I don't get asked to prom by someone skydiving out of an airplane with 'Will you got to prom with me?' Spray painted on their parachute I'm suing someone
BeachBabe🏝: Omg I know I want an unforgettable promposal
Jamiee: Imagine a guy hiring an entire dance squad and choir to ask you to prom. Now that's a promposal
MulletMan: Wtf all these ideas are wayyyy too much for a promposal. Maybe an actual marriage proposal they will work but for prom? That's too over the top
BeachBabe🏝: But Marlon I wanna be asked to prom in that way😩
MulletMan: Fine then. Guess I have to save up to order a dance squad and a choir for a PrOmPoSaL
Orange🍊: Louis will you do one for me??
PianoBoy🎹: Yeah I've already thought about it. So first I'll take you on my dads private helicopter over the Matira beach in Bora Bora and on the beach spelled out with umbrellas will say 'Prom?'
Orange🍊: OMG
Vi💜: mY dAdS pRiVaTe HeLiCoPtEr
MulletMan: See what I mean? Too over the top
BeachBabe🏝: Marlon if you don't do that for me I will slap you silly
Orange🍊: I think we can all agree I have the best boyfriend❤️
Jamiee: I agree Clem😍🤤
BeachBabe🏝: I don't think so 😑
Sims: I think I'm the best boyfriend
Mari✨: I don't even have a boyfriend😩
Vi💜: Louis has an advantage because he's rich
PianoBoy🎹: No anyone can order a helicopter, I just got mine for free
Vi💜: If that isn't the most bragging thing you've ever said I don't know what is
MulletMan: You know what then? I'm gonna do the best Homecoming proposal EVER
BeachBabe🏝: OMG YAY
MulletMan: In fact I'm gonna go work on it now. See you guys later😏*MulletMan has left the chat*
BeachBabe🏝: Wonder what he'll do??
Sims: He'll probably give you a stick of gum that says 'Homecoming?'
BeachBabe🏝: Aasim😑
Orange🍊: I'm so bored😩My parents left me with Aj while they go out for a date night
PianoBoy🎹: Wait you're home alone?
Orange🍊: I mean yeah, Aj is here but he's asleep🤷🏽♀️
PianoBoy🎹: See you in 5 minutes*PianoBoy🎹 has left the chat*
Orange🍊: Wow
MulletMan: Oh my gosh
Vi💜: He's such a little weirdo
Jamiee: Please don't actually get pregnant this time Clem
Orange🍊: JAMES WTF
Jamiee: Someone had to say it
Orange🍊: We're probably gonna play Mario Kart omg😂
Jamiee: "Probably"*Orange🍊 has left the chat*
Mari✨: Well uhm I think it's time we call it a night?
MulletMan: Good call
Vi💜: Yup night
Sims: Night🙄
Jamiee: Oops night
BeachBabe🏝: Welp night*Mari✨, MulletMan, Vi💜, Sims, Jamiee and BeachBabe🏝 have left the chat*
Hiiii guysss. Sorry I didn't upload yesterday I had a really busy day and I didn't have time to upload so I tried to make this chapter just a little bit longer😊Also I start back school tomorrow so idk if I'm gonna be uploading everyday I guess we'll see but I will try and upload as much as I can❤️