XOXO Gossip Girl: MulletMan: Hey do you guys wanna go camping or something? Vi💜: Wtf who just asks to go camping casually😂 MulletMan: I'm bored🤷🏼♂️ PianoBoy🎹: Well I can't, I'm grounded Jamiee: Why?? PianoBoy🎹: You wanna tell them Clem? Orange🍊: Okay so like when Louis snuck me into that party that Harry Styles was at, all was good, no one knew I was there. I was looking for Harry and I couldn't find him and I was starting to loose hope. Then I seen him going to the exit and I needed to get there quick before he left so I sorta maybe...jumped over the food table and it fell over... PianoBoy🎹: Um honey that isn't the full story. You jumped over the food table and it fell. There was a chocolate fountain on the food table which fell ALL OVER MY MOM. Then it was like a domino effect. Tables were falling over, so were chairs and drinks. It was a mess. My mom and dad found out I snuck Clem in and now I'm grounded😫 Orange🍊: Yeah and the worst part is by the time I got up after falling over, Harry was already gone😰 Jamiee: This sounds like something Louis would do, I'm surprised Clem BeachBabe🏝: Don't even start James, you would do the same if it was like Noah Centineo or something PianoBoy🎹: On the bright side I'm never allowed go to another fancy party again😁 Sims: Uh Louis why is Erin texting me that she's pregnant with your baby and you need to call her back?? Orange🍊: EXCUSE ME?! PianoBoy🎹: What! That's not true! Jamiee: Mmmm he a liar😌 PianoBoy🎹: I AM NOT, I HAVE NEVER IMPREGNATED ANYONE Vi💜: Ew I hate those choice of words Sims: Well she's going crazy telling me to tell you to call her or she's posting it on Instagram and Snapchat PianoBoy🎹: WTF HOW AM I IN ANOTHER PREGNANCY SCANDAL BeachBabe🏝: You should probably call her before she posts it Orange🍊: Oh no you won't. Louis if you call her I'm throwing hands PianoBoy🎹: But Clemmm I don't want her to post that😱 Orange🍊: Everyone knows she's crazy they won't believe her MulletMan: Wait so its a no on the camping?? PianoBoy🎹: Marlon, we're kinda in the middle of something Vi💜: Just let her post it, who cares PianoBoy🎹: If my parents see it they'll send me back to boarding school! Orange🍊: NO OMG OKAY YOU CAN CALL HER AND TELL HER IF SHE POSTS IT SHE BEST SQUARE UP Sims: Guys you're a little too late.... Jamiee: Damn she really posted it?! Yassss Erin go girl😜 MulletMan: James wtf Jamiee: I mean....Ugh Erin, that bitch. PianoBoy🎹: I have to run away and never come back Vi💜: You are the most dramatic person I've ever met
*MrsLouisSmith😍 has joined the chat*
Jamiee: ERIN?! MrsLouisSmith😍: Heyyyy where's my baby Louis?🤤 PianoBoy🎹: Erin wtf is wrong with you, I'm with Clem! MrsLouisSmith😍: Clem is ugly Louis, you deserve better😉 Orange🍊: EXCUSE TF ME YOU UGLY ASS BITCH, BACK OFF MY MAN MrsLouisSmith😍: He's not your man. See Louis, she thinks she owns you. You should be with me. Besides you're the father of my child😡 PianoBoy🎹: Okay girl you're crazy. You are not pregnant. Well maybe you are but it's not mine! MrsLouisSmith😍: Is that your final decision? PianoBoy🎹: Wym is that my final decision?! It's not a decision it's facts🤨 MrsLouisSmith😍: Fine then. All of you better watch your back then. You'll get what's coming to you
*MrsLouisSmith😍 has left the chat*
BeachBabe🏝: That girl is on all kinds of drugs Jamiee: She loco coco🤪 PianoBoy🎹: Why tf is she obsessed with me?! Jamiee: Can you blame her?!😍🤤
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PianoBoy🎹: Anddddd that's my cue to leave😑
*PianoBoy🎹 has left the chat*
Orange🍊: Yeah same. Too many people are hitting on my boyfriend😫
*Orange🍊 has left the chat*
Vi💜: Yeah I'm leaving. That picture of Louis is making me uncomfortable
*Vi💜 has left the chat*
MulletMan: Yeah sorry James. I'm out🤷🏼♂️
*MulletMan has left the chat*
Jamiee: Don't leave Brody I'm bored😰 BeachBabe🏝: My phone is about to die Jamiee: Put it on charge BeachBabe🏝: I lost the charger. Sorry bye
Omg it's been years since I updated😫😂I'm sorry guys I explained it on my status post thing why I haven't been uploading. I'm gonna try upload way more now. I'm going back to school in a few days but I'm still gonna try update loads💙Hope you all enjoyed😜