Chapter 1

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"Alright class, I hope everyone has a great summer," Ms. Jeon says as the dismissal bell rings. It was finally Friday. But not just any Friday. The last day before summer vacation! I excitedly packed up my things and headed out to where my friends and I always meet up after school. I exited the class and turned right, trying to make my way through the sea of students.

"Rae!" I turned my head at the sound of one of my best friends, Nuri calling out my name. I smiled and waited for her to catch up, then hooked arms with her as we continued on our way to the school's gate to wait for our other friend, Mina.

"What's up Nuri?" I greeted my friend with a big smile.

"Nothing much, just excited to be out of school for the next three months!" She jumped at the end of her statement, full of excitement for the 3 month vacation.

I giggled at her happiness and nodded along. I opened my mouth to say something, but was interrupted by an attractive voice belonging to an even more attractive boy.

"Hey Nuri!" The boy smiled his breathtaking smile at my friend.

I guess Nuri's body forgot how to work because she was stuck looking at the Na Jaemin and his sparkling smile like a lost puppy.

"Hey Rae! So listen. I'm throwing a party tonight and it would be great if you guys came! You can even bring the third person from your friend group. Mina right? I hope to see you guys there!" He looked between us, then chuckled at Nuri's starstruck state. "Bye Rae, bye Nuri!" He winked at her as he walked away.

I stood in front of Nuri and smiled knowing what was about to happen. "3, 2, 1."

"Hi Jaemin! I was-" Nuri looked around. "Wait, where'd he go? Did I space out again?! Oh my god on a scale of 1 to 10 how much of an idiot did I look like? I didn't drool did I?" She finally stopped talking and reached up to feel around her mouth. Sighing in relief when she get the absence of saiva around her mouth, she turned to me. "So what'd he say?"

"Girl. You have got to get yourself together. He's just a boy." I laughed at my friend's nerves around her crush. As I turned to finish our walk to the courtyard, I answered her, "he's throwing a party tonight and wants us and Mina there."

"Oh my gosh we have to go! I can do everyone's hair, Mina is a makeup artist, and you have the best fashion sense! Maybe he'll finally notice me. What if he asks me to dance and- WHAT IF HE KISSES ME?!"

"What if who kisses who?" We were suddenly joined by Mina, the third member to our special friend group. "Nuri, why are you so red, and Rae, why are you laughing?"

"Jaemin came over and personally invited the three of us to a house party he's throwing tonight, and little miss lovebug here is way too excited," I explained with a chuckle at the end.

"Ah. Jaemin. Say no more." Mina smirked at Nuri. "Well my fellow comrades, to the ice cream shop? We can discuss the party there, over our shakes of course!"

"Let's go ladies!" We all giggles as I hooked arms with both of them and we headed out of the gates and down the street.

It was about a 10 minute walk from the school, and I kept feeling as if we were being watched. I didn't say anything to my friends because I knew that Nuri's imagination would get the best of her and she'd come up with some crazy explanation.

We finally reached the adorable shop. It was a small brick building with outdoor seating in their garden, and on the inside, it was like an old fashioned diner. With booths, and barstools at the counter. It even had a record player - with modern songs.

After we ordered our milkshakes - I ordered a peanut butter and fudge milkshake, Nuri got her go-to cookies and cream, and Mina ordered strawberry - we sat in our usual booth and sighed in satisfaction when the cold creamy delicacy entered our mouths.

"So, this party tonight." Mina looked at us with a grin. "Whose house are we meeting at?"

"Well my parents wouldn't mind us coming over, but I think they'd get suspicious about the outfits and makeup. So Rae, Chan wouldn't mind would he?" Nuri looked to me with a big smile.

"I guess I can call him." I got out my phone and tap on the call button by my brother's name. I stand up and go outside as it's ringing.

"Hey Rae, what's up?"

"Hey Channy!" I started talking in a sweet voice because I knew it worked on my brother.

"What do you want?" He asked with a chuckle as he knew me too well.

"Okay, so me and the girls got invited to this really popular guy's party tonight and they really want to go and Nuri will literally shoot me if you say no, so can we please get ready at our house and then go to the party and you maybe pick us up after and we can crash at the house too?" I said all of this in one breath because I didn't think that I would say it otherwise.

"Whoah whoah slow down Rae," he chuckled again. "So you want me to let you guys get ready for a party here, take you to said party, pick you up from the party, then let three drunk girls stay the night at our house?"

"Yes?" I wasn't sure of his response.

"Alright. I trust you to not make any stupid decisions, you guys will just call me if anything bad happens, right?"

"Of course Channy!"

"I guess that's settled then. Oh by the way, I'm gonna have some friends over tonight too, so you may see them as we leave to the party."

"You have friends?" I chuckled as he gasped at me. "I'm kidding! Can't wait to meet them, but I have to go now. Thanks Channy! Love you!"

"Love you to Rae!"

I hung up the phone and was about to go back inside when I felt like I was being watched again. I turned around and again saw nobody that looked suspicious. I shrugged off the feeling and went back inside to my girls.

Tonight is gonna be so much fun!

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