Sticky Situation

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Author's POV:

————————————————Author's POV:_______________________________

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After giving it some serious thought, Nathan decides to begin his search for answers at the library, where his crazed roommate works, in hopes that maybe one of the other employees might have some insight on his recent change of behavior. So, the very next day, he took off work, believing that this might be more important, and went there. His gut told him that something was seriously wrong, and he had to know The reason why. Terrance was never like this. Something had to have happened that he's missing, and he was going to find out what it is. He felt a bit anxious walking into the building and went straight to the front desk, where he's greeted kindly by a lady with glasses.

"Is there something I can help you with?" Nathan answers her with a nod.

"Yeah, I'm friends with Terrance, the guy who does the puppet shows," he starts in a hushed voice to match her own. "This might be a strange thing to ask, but have you noticed that he's been acting kind of... off, lately?"

"Off how?" the woman wonders while cocking her head to the side.

"Oh, um..." Nathan scratches the back of his head, trying to come up with the best words to explain. "Well, he's been distant and a bit... eerie, I guess is a nice way of putting it. I was just wondering if anyone might know if something happened." The librarian hums in thought, but shakes her head, filling him with disappointment.

"Sorry, I'm afraid I couldn't say. Terrance isn't exactly the talkative type and always keeps to himself. I don't really know him that well. You can try asking the others working here, but they'll probably tell you the same." The blonde frowns, but thanks the woman for her time.

"Okay, thanks anyways. Have a nice day." She nods, and he continues his search, looking for other staff members to question. Sure enough, their answers were all the same. None were close enough to Terrance to even notice a difference. He smiles and puts on shows for the kids, same as always, and kept to himself, aside from the occasional, shy 'good morning' or 'hello'.

How unfortunate. This was Nathan's best bet for an answer. Oh, well, at least he could bring Terrance lunch and see if he's feeling any better. If he's lucky, maybe he'll be willing to talk to him this time. He follows the sign pointing to the children's section and has a look around. There are a couple kids around with their parents, reading picture books, but the puppet theatre holds no puppeteer, only a sign that says when the next show will be. Nathan sighs in frustration, thinking he had probably just missed him.

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