Sour Attitude

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Author's POV:

Author's POV:____________________________

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Baby blue eyes stare blankly ahead at the cage holding Terrance's hungry, little rabbit that's munching on the piece of lettuce the boy had put in its bowl earlier whilst the pink-haired owner taps his foot irritably against the floor. Being so lost in thought, Terrance didn't even flinch when three soft knocks sound on his bedroom door before it slowly creeks open. The person behind the door didn't matter right now, only his thoughts.

"Hey, Terry, food's here," Nathan, Terrance's housemate, claims while worriedly staring at the pink-haired man's back.

"I'm not hungry," he retorts back in a low, uninterested voice without tearing his gaze away from the rabbit cage. At this, the blonde narrows his eyes some in suspicion.

"You were at that sweets shop again, weren't you? Dude, you go there everyday. You gotta stop. It's no wonder you keep throwing up. It's from all that sugar." Nathan leans against the doorframe while crossing his arms, feeling concerned for his friend. It seemed like every day he'd have moody episodes or would feel terribly ill. Terrance hardly talks to him anymore when they used to be very close. He didn't get it. What happened? What changed? Why is he acting like this? It's not healthy.

"Shut up!" Terrance screams while grabbing the nearest pillow off his bed before launching it at him as hard as he can. It flew through the air so fast that Nathan had little time to react, and it ended up whipping him right in the face, causing the blonde to stumble backwards a bit. Now, he was angry too.

"Dude, what the fuck did you do that for?!" He shouts while rubbing his face, still feeling the force of the impact lingering on his face.

"Keep your nose out of my damn business!" Terrance narrows his eyes at the other man, wanting him to leave the room immediately. Nathan takes a deep breath to calm himself, knowing yelling will get them nowhere. Somethings up, and he needs to get to the bottom of it.

"Hey, is there something going on that you're not telling us about?" He asks in a softer voice, showing his concern for the pink-haired housemate. "You've been acting weird for the past week and have been ignoring everyone."

"Go away and stay out of my room." Terrance turns back around, finished with this meaningless conversation to watch his pet again. This time, his foot taps faster to relieve some of the built-up anger in his system, while his housemate hesitates to leave. "Shut the door," the pink-haired man demands before Nathan could fully walk away. He wants privacy.

The blonde silently complies before sighing softly and heading downstairs to the living room to join his other housemates for dinner. Terrance waits a few minutes to ensure he's alone before getting off of the bed and approaching the cage. He opens the little door before pulling the creature out of its home and returning to the bed. He sets the bunny on his lap and almost instantly felt his emotions settle down some as he pets it's soft fur.

'I don't know what to do. I have to get her to notice me somehow. It's killing me seeing her around all these people.' Again, his foot starts tapping, this time in frustration. Groaning, the man picks up the bunny and lies on his back while holding the animal above him.

The rabbit twitches its nose and stares down at him with their obsidian orbs. It didn't struggle in his hold due to already being used to Terrance. He made sure to hold the rabbit regularly for this reason. It made things simpler when the boy desires a cuddle. Though, he would much rather prefer Y/N in his arms to a rabbit.

Oh, how warm she'd be. The thought of her arms around him made his heart soar as he bites his bottom lip softly while sitting up. With a small groan, he gets up and puts the rabbit back in the cage before walking over to the closet. After opening the door, he parts the hanging clothes to reveal a pale blue curtain behind them. After moving that aside, he finds the shelves, originally meant to hold shoes, displaying bits of memorabilia from his dear obsession.

The shrine is composed of numerous drawings of the baker along with anything most would consider trash that was once used by Y/N. This was much more than garbage, though. To him, this was heaven, his sanctuary. It's where he goes when he's stressed and needs a place to think and relax. Terrance picks up one of the drawings and gives a longing sigh as he stares at Y/N's sketched face.

As good as he was, he could never fully capture her true beauty, but it was close enough. He could feel his face heat at the mere image of her. He could stare into those lovely, E/C eyes all day. He could just imagine her soft hands traveling all over his body, even if just in little ways, running across his shoulders, cupping his cheeks and moving down the center of his chest.

His ripped, black jeans began to feel a bit cramped the longer he stood there. Terrance pushes back his pink locks and groans softly as he puts the picture back and covers his shrine with the curtain. He'd get lost staying in there. After shutting the closet door, he heads over to the bathroom connected to the bedroom in desperate need of a cool shower. His face feels as though it's on fire. He first runs the water before shutting the door and getting undressed. Looking down, he truthfully felt a bit embarrassed at how easily this happened and took a deep breath before looking in the mirror.

'Do you like bodies like mine, Y/N?' He wonders. He isn't built muscular. He isn't the slightest bit strong, and the constant vomiting didn't exactly leave him with much body weight, but maybe she likes scrawny men? Terrance shakes his head to snap out of his thoughts and hops into the shower. He has to take care of his "problem" or else he won't be able to think straight. This has been happening more frequently as of late, and it's been making things very difficult. Eventually, he'd start having a hard time being around the real Y/N. He has to learn self-control and quick, or at least make her his sooner. Hopefully, things would look up for him in the future.

Meanwhile, Y/N has been feeling a little unsettled as of late. It was really hard not to notice Terrance's peculiar shift in behavior. Often, he'd storm out of the shop for unknown reasons and would try to constantly grab her attention for things that he wasn't even sure he wanted. His stuttering has gotten a lot worse, and he could hardly make eye contact with her anymore. There is one theory she has.

She would be blind not to see how red his face would get around her. This obviously went beyond simple shyness, but still, she hopes she's wrong. It isn't that she doesn't like Terrance. She finds him cute actually, though, not in a romantic sense. He's a sweet man, but a little too strange for her tastes.

She felt something off about him, but doesn't quite know what. Sighing in frustration, Y/N ruffles her hair and lies on the bed in her room. The thought of someone having a crush on her was flattering, though. She hasn't really put much thought to dating, though, she had tried it out once in high school. She didn't mind having him as a friend, but there are often times where he makes her feel on edge, and that wouldn't make for a good relationship. At the same time, however, she doesn't want to break the poor boy's heart. He's a very anxious person, and that sort of let down could quite possibly break him.

'I don't know for certain. I'll pretend not to notice anything for now. Hopefully, he'll either lose interest or stop coming to the shop all together.'

Too bad that's not how this works, huh, reader? But, you already knew that, didn't you?

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