Awkward Suggestions

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•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

—————————————————Author's POV:_________________________________

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"Hey, Terry," Nathan greets calmly as the pink-haired individual walks into the living room. Terrance hums back to his roommate before taking a seat on the couch. "Finally decided to come out of your room, huh? Here," picking up a second controller, the blonde tosses it to him. "Let's play something. We haven't really hung out for a while."

"Sure." Faintly, Terrance smiled as he eased against the couch cushions. It had been a while since he properly relaxed or sat down to play a video game.

"Your pick." He gives his answer, and so, Nathan pops in the game, but while his back was turned, a momentary look of anxiousness crossed his features. He was nervous to bring up what he wanted to talk about, but for the moment, would work on easing his deranged housemate. Soon enough, he sits back down and starts up the game, tapping at the controller with a finger. "So... Any new works lately?" He wonders, trying to start a normal conversation. Terrance nods.

"Lots. I've been struck with inspiration. It's why I've been in my room a lot lately, actually," he claims, though Nathan wasn't sure if it was a lie or not. He supposed it could've been partially the truth.

"You should show me sometime. Maybe right after I kick your butt," he jests, fighting the his roommate in the game. Terry scoffs and grins while fighting back.

"You wish." He actually laughs. Good, Nathan thought. Maybe it won't be so bad bringing this up?

"And, how's your stomach feeling? Haven't heard you wrenching for a while."

"Better. I knocked off the sweets a bit. It was worrying Y/N." His expression immediately shifted, as did Nathan's in two very drastically different ways. Terrance seemed to melt like butter at the thought of the baker, while his roommate paled. He laughs it off, forcing a smile.

"That's great, but when was the last time you saw a doctor? You should really make sure all that vomit didn't bust up your throat or something. You've been sounding a little groggy lately."

"Have I?" Instinctively, he touched his throat and cleared it. Perhaps it did feel a bit raw, now that he thought about it.

"Could be nothing, but never can be too safe." He urged himself to continue while on the subject of medical professionals. He was just worried for the outcome, but if he did bring it up now, he might never get the chance.

"I'll make an appointment, then."

"By the way, I saw this flier today at the supermarket. It's this group therapy thing, and I think I want to try it out, but I'd feel weird going by myself. I don't suppose you can come with for some emotional support?" he suggests, palms sweating. At this, Terrance paused and looked towards Nathan, game forgotten while the blonde couldn't face away from the screen. His heartbeat was so fast.

"Therapy for what?" Nathan gulps inconspicuously.

"It's just a general thing. It's a group for all sorts of problems: addiction, anger, just counseling in general." Now, his hands began to shake, and he cursed at them mentally to stop because he felt Terrance stare burning in the back of his head.

"Doesn't sound like something you'd need." He pries suspiciously. Again, Nathan gulps.

"Well, you haven't really been hanging around much to know, but I've been hitting a rough patch lately. Some existential shit, you know?"

"If you're uncomfortable with group don't you think a personal therapist would be the better option, then?" he questions, looking back at the screen to continue playing with his full attention. This relieved Nathan some, but he was still under fire. One wrong step, and his whole plan would go down the drain.

"True, but group was cheaper, and I'm really trying to cut costs. I decided to get my own place with Sheila. Things have been moving along pretty great with us lately." That, and he wanted to get the hell out of this house. As much as he wants to help Terrance, he can't help feeling uncomfortable under their own roof knowing the full story. He has stayed up late with worry recalling Y/N's words from earlier on in the week. "I mean, it might not happen real soon yet, but we're looking," he adds, not trying to seem like he was in a hurry to get out, though in reality he is.

"Oh, that's great news. I'm happy for you both." Terrance smiles serenely. "I'm hoping I get to share my home with someone special too soon." At that, Nathan nearly gagged but pushed it down and forced a joke to change the subject.

"Awe, are we not special to you anymore, Terry? I, for one, am hurt. What if Omar or Waylon heard you say that?" He says, feigning hurt, making Terry laugh softly,

"Let's keep that between us, then, okay?"

'God, why did that sound so ominous?' He wasn't sure if it was just his mind playing tricks on him or what. Still, he keeps his smile on.

"Sure thing. So, about that therapy session?" Terrance hums, thinking about it.

"I don't know. I might be too busy. Have you tried asking the others yet?"

"Yeah, and Sheila seemed pretty uninterested too."

"Fine, I guess I'll go, since you're too chicken to go yourself." A wave of relief washed over him, and he smiled genuinely. He took the bait.

"Thanks. I owe you one."

"You sure will," Terrance mutters, though Nathan hardly heard. He felt sick again and immediately regretted his choice of words. He said nothing more about it, pretending he didn't hear what he said. The rest of the night, he kept the topic on games, not wanting Y/N to be brought up at any point, as he was already worried to death about her, but he'd be sure to tell her the good news after they went to their first session. He doesn't expect Terrance to warm up to the idea of sticking around at first, but it might send him down the right direction if he can convince him to keep going.

For now, he'll remain hopeful and get him to the first session.

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