Sugary Treats

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•Y/N: Your Name
•F/C: Favorite Cake
•E/C: Eye Color
•H/C: Hair Color

Author's POV:

———————————————Author's POV:______________________________

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Happy hums of a cheery tune escape Terrance's throat as he walks quickly towards his favorite shop, Sweethearts, to spend a little time with his favorite person. He can feel his heart throb in excitement as his baby blue eyes spot the pretty, white sign above the door with pink cursive lettering spelling out the name of the place. Like usual, his entrance is marked by the bell on the door, catching unwanted attention from a few of the customers. That was the one thing he hated about this place. Everyone always felt the need to stare at him for his odd looks with disdain.

He would've gone back to leaving his hair dark blonde if Y/N hadn't personally told him that she loves his style. It was the only thing giving him the confidence to look the way he wants. Quickly, the male slips into his usual booth, happy it was empty, and waits patiently for the waitress to come to his table. A wide smile appears on his face when she comes out from the kitchen before he gives a little wave to catch her attention. She smiles back, making his heart flutter and a light blush tint his cheeks pink as she approaches him. Something he really loves about the place is that they have the option to be served from your table or to go up to the counter. He can talk to Y/N without waiting in a line or worrying if the person behind him is going to get pissed off for talking to her for too long.

"Hey, Terrence. How you doing?" She greets, clearly in a good mood. He'd like to think that his presence is the cause of her cheery disposition. Her pretty smile seemed to make his insides melt like ice cream on a hot, summer day and instantly made him flustered. The pink-haired male gulps down his anxiety before responding. Thankfully, Y/N is always patient with him.

"G-Great!" The woman giggles softly, causing his cheeks to turn the same color as his hair.

"So, what'll it be today?" Terrance looks down at his fidgeting hands in thought before timidly looking up at her. He supposed he could go for some cake, but isn't sure what kind.

"I-I don't know. W-What's your f-f-favorite cake here?" He bites his lower lip nervously due to thinking his stuttering made him sound stupid, but he just couldn't contain it whenever he spoke to her. Y/N gives a soft hum while biting the inside of her cheek, thinking of an answer to give him.

"There's so many good ones, but, hands down, I'll have to say F/C is by far the best, but that's just my opinion."

"That s-sounds perfect!" Excitement rang in his voice, for he had learned something new about the E/C-eyed woman. It was a small accomplishment in trying to learn more about the female, but it was a victory nonetheless. Y/N writes down his order on the notepad in her hand before sending him a smile.

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