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A/n: To those who read this book, thank you! I appreciate it so much. 💕💕💕


No matter how much Arima Takahiko work on his relationship with his son, Kousei had been very much distant to him and wailing everyday like a little lost child ever since he had him in his custody. He always locked down his doors in the huge mansion he brought him in the mansion for the very first time. He was also able to observe that his son doesn't talk much around the mansion and always just play Classical Music in the piano room.

In every end of the music he creates, he wails so loudly and calls for his mother. He still remember that his son commented that his old home's foyer was more elegant and beautiful rather than his sophisticated entrance hall. His old home had double grand staircases while his father had a single grand staircase going at the second floor of the house.

His mother's not an ordinary Japanese citizen. She's a child of a genius conductor while she became a genius pianist. It was her music that brought him to like her and they met through a recommendation by his father. They married a year later and they had Kousei nine months later. They could have been a perfect family if only she wasn't diagnosed to have an incurable neurological disease. Ever since the diagnosis, Arima Saki changed a lot. She had many pitfalls and had been brought back and forth in the hospital for years until she chose to get a divorce.

A week after Kousei's fifth birthday, she asked her husband to divorce her to let him find a more suitable woman who can take care of her son. She began to fear herself when she started abusing his own child since she has a time clock over her head. Even so, Takahiko never found another love like what he felt towards her after the divorce. She pushed the divorce so much that he had no choice but to accept it. It was then that she left the mansion to take Kousei in a different district while his husband stayed single.

She was able to raise him alone but after her body began to lose tension and had hurt him too much in a competition where she broke his eyeglasses, it sent her into a deep depression and fear that she might eventually do something worse if she kept her son near her. It was a difficult decision to make but she had to give up her right of custody and return him to his father.

Arima Takahiko knocked on the wall of the piano room after he ended wailing and crying in his room but his son doesn't open it. Due to his worry, he was forced to unlock it using a key to see what was happening around his son. It was then that he found him collapsed down the carpeted floors of the music room.

"Son!" he screamed after seeing his son unconscious on the floor. Kousei didn't move in any way. He was just breathing so sharply and whimpering repeatedly.

"Mom... mom..." his son wailed. "Don't go. Mom!"

He touched his son's forehead and discovered it burning. "How can your mother do this to you? How can she leave you all alone and bottle up everything inside her when she clearly needs us beside her?"


Early morning, Arima Kousei woke up in his room the next day while he hear his father talking to his mother through the phone. It bothered him when he kept on shouting and so, he his under the blankets to hide that he's overhearing his conversation with his mother.

"Saki! Your son's wailing and asking to see you this past few days! He wanted to see you again!" he screamed. "He's having fever right now."

He listened to his mother on the phone but he screamed next to her, "Have mercy on your son! He's closer to you than me! Why can't you go?"

While listening to her talk on the phone, he can't help but gasp in surprise to learn from her that again, Seto Hiroko had to help her to bring her in the hospital. She passed out again and is currently sick to go to his house.

"How long will you stay again in the hospital?" he asked her.

He walked to and fro as she listen to her on the phone. It shocked him more when she answered that she doesn't want Kousei to keep himself forcing to be a perfectionist. She wanted him to stop getting into piano competitions if that's not what he really wanted to do. She wanted him to be a happy musician.

"You sound like you're going to die, Saki," cried Takahiko. "Don't say those words. Come home when you're all better. Please. You're the only woman for me!"

Kousei began silently crying beneath the blue blankets as he realize that his mother seemed to be telling his father that he doesn't want to come to his house. He rose on his bed and folded himself up.

"Dad," he spoke up after the call ended. "Will mom come home?"

"I can't hardly say so, Kousei," Takahiko answered him. "I'll try convincing your mom to allow you to visit her in the hospital."

"She's back in the hospital again?" Kousei cried. "Mom's not going to completely leave me, right?"

Takahiko took his son over his arms on the bed. "Kousei, when you're older, I will explain everything. Right now, we have to be strong for your mother. Okay?"


A/n: Hope you like this chapter! :)


Arima Kousei [Your Lie In April/ Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso AU Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now