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A/n: Miyazono Kaori is alive. We all know that I love her so much that I don't want her to be the one hurt but in this story, her background will be almost the same, only that she already survived cancer before meeting Kousei. For now, this is a story before he goes to meet Miyazono Kaori. There are changes over the original after all. ❤❤❤


It had already been four years ever since Arima Saki passed away. Even if Arima Kousei does hate it so much that he can't follow her, yet, he knew that in the future, they would probably meet again in another world. He's joyful though that his father decided to take him into his custody and embrace him as his son. He still played his piano joyfully and had gone to many competitions but it was to enjoy playing the piano for his late mother. It wasn't about winning anymore. Still, due to his undeniable musical talent, he still kept on winning. He had too many medals and trophies stacked inside his room but it was all a reminder to him that he wanted his mother to be with him. He still could not accept his mother's apparent death. As he walk inside their rose garden at their estate, Emi Igawa ran into him and hugged him tight. She missed him dearly and loves him very much. "You really love this Rose Garden, do you?"

"I do love this garden. Father told me that it was my mother who funded the creation of the Rose Path and Rose Garden," he replied to her. "My late mother loves roses. It's her favorite flower and so, I love that flower, too."

"I'm sure she's smiling at you, Kousei," Emi suggested. "You still kept on winning despite that you don't really plan on winning anymore. Takeshi feels insecure, though."

Arima Kousei chuckled gleefully. "He had to do more than practice the piano if he wants to transcend me. We'll be in Okutsu Music School soon enough. He can beat me if he wants in high school."

Emi Igawa pricked his cheeks tight. "I wonder what could have happened to you if your father had left you all alone? Don't you get that fame over your head! You're still a competitor here in Japan!"

"Thanks for the reminder, Emi," he said as he hug her very tightly and kissed her lips. "You're such a lovely woman."

Emi Igawa's cheeks reddened. "How can you? Kousei, is this the reason why you called me here?"

"Aren't you my girlfriend, Emi?" he asked her as they walk together back at the gorgeous and sophisticated vintage mansion. "My father and I wanted to welcome you to our family."

Emi's heart thumped nervously and she gulped saliva. "Now I know why you asked me to dress nicely. What's the occasion anyway?"

Arima Kousei faced her while their servants lower his heads to him. "It's my mother's birthday."

Emi Igawa had a big 'Oh' and was about to be sorry for him when he held her hands again tightly.

"Don't be sad for me. My mom is in my heart. She had left his spirit in my heart after all and made a mark on me," he told her as he pull her on his chest. "I hope I can make a mark on you and to the others, too."

"You kept on making me blush! Can't you stop with that elegant language?" Emi screamed at him.

"No. I was used to talk this way," chuckled Kousei.


"How's Kousei's condition, Takahiko? Have you taken him to a physician already? I heard that his mother had the symptoms at the age of fifteen," Arima Fukuyama asked him in his office. "Does he have a probability to have the same sickness like his mother's?"

Takahiko stood up on his chair and gave him a brown envelope annoyingly. "That's Kousei's health report! My son won't have and won't get the same sickness like my late wife but he's weak, father!" he informed him. "He has asthma."

Arima Kousei [Your Lie In April/ Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso AU Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now